guess this to be what!

May 04, 2005 16:17

I know me that to be young person can, but I feelings also have and me to make owe what I believe like making, therefore it lets me go and to precisely hear all you think a sight of me bevoelkeren, such as I am a small girl, well you actually made that it' D okay is, so that I take a step in this world? "girls," always say that "not does not take a small step in D the club" me its gerad tryin ' to probably discover ' ' out why, ' a cause to dance what I expensive, receive, receive, receive yeah him him, receive to him receive to him, receive to him, receive to him, receive to him receive to him, receive to him, receive to him, receive me to him know me can off obtain rest to him me can timidly obtain off me to smell however like talkin ', direction as dancin ' if I see that of cord which to be practically that its logically what D hell, interest all it me know so fortunately its me to its if you dance his there CHORUS me I do not deny it, me does not try to dissimulate you him baby, would like you on me at another time am in top to dance and OH -, that you would not like to dance in top to place the baby on leaving to me my name and age like that which. They want that? Yeah. Me receive, receive, receive, receive receive, receive, receive, receive receive, receive, receive, receive really I pay attention now can dance evening me to want you this really to do what you souhaitezmoi to want me too really to dance evening me to want you this really to make that you place me to wish with the baby to dance you not not to wish in top on me with time and OH -, to dance the baby not to wish you on me to leave in top behind my name and the age CHORUS - repetition receive, receive to him, receive him to him, from maintenance it receives it, receives it, receives it, receives it it receives receives, receives it, receives that it receives, receives him, receives to him, receives to him CHORUS to him - repetition

Hee...Hee... twelve imaginary dollars to the first person who gets it right.
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