
Apr 14, 2007 14:34

Es ist geradezu obszön schönes Wetter. In eben diesem hüpfte ich vorhin fröhlich zur Post und weiter fröhlich zum Sandalenkauf. Bei eben jenem scheiterte ich. Gnaden- und zweifellos und überhaupt. Wieder Geld gespart, dafür aber keine Sandalen, was nicht so schlimm wäre, könnte ich die von letztem Jahr anziehen. Leider sahen die Dinge aber letztes ( Read more... )

angemalt & aufgehübscht, ich versteh euch nicht, krank & nicht glücklich

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amazon_syren April 14 2007, 14:36:54 UTC
Re: Sandals: Do you have anything like aerosoles in Germany? A place like that (a foot-friendly shoe-store) might have more pretty-flats, for example, even though they do carry heaps of loopy stuff and work sandals, too.

Heh. I had a dream last night that I was (miraculously!) able to randomly find two pairs of shoes (one in deep blue, and one in white for some reason) which actually *fit* me! Girly shoes! That fit me! And were only, like, $50 (full price)! <*gasp*>
(I take size 13-womens... which I think is a 45 or so in Europe).

<*sigh*> Such a nice dream... :-)

Re: Sinus Infection Pain: Um... You feel like there's enough pressure in your head to make it explode, and you wish it would actually do so because then you would feel better? Alternatively, the thought of litterally drilling holes in your skull (and possibly taking a turkey baster or other suction-thing to them) to let out what-ever-is-blocking-your-sinuses is starting to look like a very appealing option.
Over the counter sinus meds (like "ibuprofen for cold and sinus at night", for example) should - if they won't conflict with your antibiotics - take the pressure off enough for you to at least be able to get some sleep.
Poor Latin_Doll. :-(
<*wants you to feel better*>

Re: Sex/Orgasms Boost the Imune System: Yep! :-D (Although allegedly this stops working if your screwing more than three times a week... Possibly due to all the new bacteria introduced by so much kissing... But I dunno). Still: Totally worth testing, in my oppinion. :-D

Glitch: Sex w/ a dripping nose. Not fun. Or, well, at least significantly *less* fun than it could be. :-)

Re: Nest of chauvenist profs: I now have a mental image of a bunch of guys-in-suits, in a nest, with snakes and vultures (oh the irony of *that* one) crumpling up little balls of paper and throwing them over the side. Call an exterminator!
On a more serious note: Does the nest seem to be located in one particular department? School of Thought? Something?

<*also must do laundry today*>
<*goes off to attempt finishing the Polly/Mal porn, instead*>

I hope you feel better, Sunshine. :-)

- Amazon. :-)


latin_doll April 14 2007, 23:34:35 UTC
I'm not through with the shoe stores 'round here. I will look on! Because I really, really need a nice pair of sandals without any kind of glitter or high heels or feathers or whatever they put on the sandals these days.

That's a nice dream! I'm walking around on a 41, which can be frustrating enough, shoe-wise, but apparently I'm lucky. Heh.

... Okay, seems like I don't have a full-blown sinusitis, then. Whee! Just some pressure and some pain, but they go away when I concentrate on them. I'm taking some OTC pills which claim they're for sinusitis and bronchitis. They're big and yellow. No antibiotics, though.

And I don't even have a runny nose. Also, did you know that thinking about sex makes you less susceptible to pain? Isn't this simply awesome?

Re: chauvinistic profs: I've noticed they're generally the older generation, but other than that, they pop up in every department. I dunno.



amazon_syren April 14 2007, 23:55:09 UTC
Re: 41: <*checks conversion chart*> Apparently that's about a 9.5 over here. Well, half-sizes can definitely be a bugger, or so I've heard.
Also: Ye gods. You're 6'1" and you wear less than a size ten? My gods, you've got small feet! (Seriously. There is not even a drop of sarcasm in that statement. You have *tiny* feet for a woman of your height. My gracious...)
My dear, if you were over here, you'd have (probably) very little problem finding shoes. At the very least, you could hit up a payless or something. Can you get Ecco shoes where you are? They do wonderful comfortable sturdy walking sandals that actually look good (in their women's lines, anyway. Their men's lines -- aka the sandals that fit me -- are rather more boring and utilitarian. Alas...)
And, yes. It was a *really* nice dream. <*whistful sigh*> :-)

Re: Not having full blown sinusitis: Oh, good. Strictly speaking, the head-exploding=good thing was from having sinusitis that had then gotten infected (along with my lungs, my throat and my ears! -- Gods, that was awful...) but the wanting to take a drill to your skull? That still fits the full-on sinusitis thing.
Big and yellow? How appetizing. :-)
Have you tried masaging your eyebrows and cheekbones? (all around the outsides of your eye-sockets, more or less). You can help to drain and, thense, de-swell your sinuses by massaging those areas. (You'll feel little, tiny indents - about five - along your eyebrows, and about five more along the tops of your cheek bones. Give them a rub. It will help a bit, but it might hurt a bit too. :-)

Re: Chauvinistic profs:
There's a prof in my (former) department who picked up some bad habbits about relating to women. He's a bit of a joke, really, but it's still annoying when he brushes you off rather than say "oh, shoot, no I don't know the answer to your question". <*eye-rolly*>

Re: Porn: And it's going very slowly. Although they have successfully (I think) made it to the bed now, so things are starting to get moving. (Finally...)
Thank you for the awesome. :-D (And the marvelous exclaimation, too. ;-)

- TTFN, Sunshine. :-)
- Amazon. :-)


latin_doll April 15 2007, 18:45:26 UTC
*grins* You're the first to tell me I've got small feet :D Not sure about the 6'1" - I'm not even sure about my height if we go metric - but still. The thing is, mainstream shoe stores seem to carry all the pretty shoes up to a size 40 and a smaller and quite hideous selection for everything bigger. It's got better, though.

I... haven't tried massaging anything, but I shall.

(Will comment on your current fic at some other time; I haven't been in the mood for fanfiction much these days, I'm afraid. But, soon!)


amazon_syren April 16 2007, 03:13:22 UTC
Re: 6'1": Well... You said that you were over 180cm at last check, yes? 180cm = 6'. (190cm = 6'4", which is me). So. I assume you're hovering around 6'1". :-)
And, yes, you do have tiny feet.

Re: Mainstream shoe stores. Here they make nice shoes up to size 10. (42 maybe?) Many store carry nice shoes up to size 11 (no idea), and then stop making shoes all together, and we get to go shopping in the men's section. Again. Or buy drag-queen shoes. ('Cause, y'know, clear plastic 4"-heels with studs on them are *so* appropraite for the office, and so *practical* for wearing to the grocery store... Eugh. Welcome to my pet-peeve. ;-)


Step one: Become independently wealthy.
Step two: Hire a personal cobler and get all my shoes specially made.

That would be awesome. :-)

How is the massaging going? :-)

Re: Fic: I look forward to your comments as always. :-) And I miss your contributions to our little fandom. <*wants Latin!Art and Latin!Prose*>


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