(no subject)

Apr 25, 2011 19:22

Have acquired sunburn no. 3 and 4 of this year over the weekend. (1 and 2 are souvenirs from America). Keep wondering why I, as an unapologetic hypochondriac, don't seem to possess the ability to apply sunscreen in a timely manner. Have tan now (that's probably why).

Ran 80 minutes before breakfast* on Sunday (the plan** said 12 km, but I couldn't see myself over a map with a ruler and a calculator). It was a beautiful run, very sunny, very lonely, without any distractions such as other people, clouds, or even a lot of bends in the road. Just me, mother nature and the one or other autobahn crossing.

The plan also says weight training today, unfortunately I'll have to sober up a little first (the white wine for lunch was v. nice, though. And there was such a lot of it.) Maybe another ten minutes will do it.

*any point after breakfast would have collided with family time on Easter sunday, so, no. One sees them very seldomly.

**the ~*plan*~ is a thing I made up myself that is supposed to ease me into half marathon distance again without my body noticing. It says "run a little longer each week until you're almost there, then run the half". Works like a charm so far.

Aah there's so much work this week and I'll still have to sort through a stack of letters, do the laundry, and prepare some stuff for tomorrow (having already done the dishes, sort of cleaned the room, and sorted the laundry in the first place). Best if I'll just head to the gym now, that'll get everything done faster :D

(PS I have a new vacuum cleaner and it is teh awesome, it even cleans my white couch!!1)

running, mein langweiliger alltag, sport

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