(no subject)

Nov 14, 2010 21:13

I went to yoga class again! (I go there twice a week now). It is marginally less ass-kicking than it was when I started (two weeks ago omg), but they make me laugh ("now do the same thing, but on one leg", "do a handstand if you like"). Awesome. (I'm the world's most unflexible person. Am still working on the whole touching my toes thing.)

After yoga class I had the bright idea to add a full round of weight training cos I've been slacking off and that was pretty ouch (I'm not running at all atm because of the mysterious knee thing *sadface*, will try again in another week or two). Then I was recruited to go on a brisk, lengthy walk. And when I got back, I cleaned the whole damn apartment for imminent!dinner party reasons and rearranged some of the furniture into a more logical fashion (I have a kitchen table that I never use except for stacking letters and dirty dishes, and a rickety balcony table that I eat at, so I thought to myself, "Trampelpfadmethode!" and switched them out).

And laundry!

I spent the last two hours getting really well acquainted with my couch.

Also, I bought a CD by Amanda Jenssen ("Happyland") (I am a dinosaur and buy CDs. They're a nineties thing, kiddies) and tried really hard to like it, but I think I don't. (If you're looking her up, yeah, I didn't know either she's a Swedish Idol participant. Whoops?).

Also, I got around to upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, and now my internet has slowed down liek woah. Not acceptable. Ideas?

mein langweiliger alltag, musik, sport

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