Today I bought a skipping rope. It is blue plastic and looks very technologically advanced and is 304 cm long ("fits to body height 175 - 195 cm"). Sometimes I have a very... direct way of dealing with childhood demons. To give you some perspective: all throughout my school years, I pretty much failed at skipping rope. And that was considered to be the one sport where everyone who otherwise sucked at P.E. got their good grades (I, on the other hand, had the good grace to fail at everything equally).
I should probably stop this before I end up with a balance beam, asymmetrical bars, a vaulting horse, and a pair of swinging clubs.
Must now find a room in which I can skip rope without destroying the odd lamp or vase. I could, of course, go outside, but I bought that thing because it was cheaper than the pair of running gloves that I also had in mind; and it is, as has been mentioned, very, very cold and I have no gloves and do not want to go outside.
Ok, so this is the extent of my boredom. I am very, very bored. I have nothing much to do besides wait for my grade. And I also bought that Lady Gaga album okay.
Edit: and there's new fic on
cheesemongers, go read if you like that kinda thing.