Sep 01, 2009 18:01
Why hello there. So I'm just relaxing here in my air conditioned house, because it's like 402 degrees outside and I'm not havin that. Just graded our 3rd practice exam this weekend. 158. Good. Better, much better. Only a couple points away from hitting my goal. And I only got 2 questions wrong on the entire games section! WOO! Like seriously, that section is what scared me the most. And now...not so even. But now I need to gear my attention towards Logical Reasoning. Although i'm pretty happy with my score, it not like these practice exams guarantee any kind of score on ACTUAL test day. For all I know I could get 4 games I have no clue what to do with. Or a reading comp passage in German. So I just gotta keep studying and move forward. The LSAT isn't so much about how many questions you get wrong or right (well, obviously it does, but I mean the studying part) as familiarizing yourself with the questions. There could be 12439 variations of the same question, so once you get a feel for the structure, you're good to go. Meh, I gotta take more practice exams.
Here's what's going on this week:
Tuesday- Bored out of mind, but practiced a marinara Vodka sauce, yum
Wednesday- Lsat class at 5pm
Thursday- Bored till hanging out with Beke and Bree
Friday- Either work or going shopping with Armida and friends
Saturday- huh...nothing
Sunday- Nothing
Monday- Lsat at 5pm