Jun 30, 2009 16:59
So right now the internet is down. I think it is because of the amazing weather we are experiencing...it is as windy as FUCK! Some serious stuff going out there, I don't think mother nature is too happy. This is probably a sign for me to go out and bond with her but I don't think she wants to be bothered at the moment... she is angry enough I think.
Recently I have been spending some quality time with some quality people *thumbs up*. Kieran, Elliott and I have been living the massively nerdy lives we wish to live and play games with each other constantly and it's oh so fun, especially when you are playing Gunbound and you use the sound emotes against each other. OBSERVADOR! The Game Master of Gunbound... ahaha his picture is so funny, I will post it for you. The first time we all saw it we just said it together out loud in a demanding sort of tone. We are in the process of making it a meme. Well, it sort of is becoming it. Whenever it is posted it has great potential, but because we are Ausfags it's a bit hard to gain a lot of attention when most of your audience is asleep or, should be asleep. Basically, you post the picture and compliment it with OBSERVADOR! And then the lulz begin. Observe a door, observe condor, etc... it's all seemingly funny for about five minutes I suppose. I still enjoy the Night at the Roxbury pic that I haven't posted in a while. WHAT IS LOOOOOVE, BABY DON'T HURT MEEEE, DON'T HURT MEEE NO MORE. Oooh woah oo woaaaaaaah oh, ooo woaaaaah oo woaaaaah oh, awwwwwww ohhh. Ahaha. How fun! I have also been spending some quality time with Shantelle, which is always fun. I have her hooked on Ether Saga and it's hilarious... but I think she likes Warcraft a bit more now that she has played it a bit more ^^. There is so much to the game love, I swear you will find more to like about it the more you play!
Recently I think I have found Little Red Corvette by Prince to be my favourite song of all time. Whenever I listen to it, I hear something new each time. I also get to go 'ohhhh this part is coming up' constantly; I think that is a sign of a well made song when you can just keep saying 'oooh the best bit is coming' over and over again. I dunno what it is. I wish I had Princes voice, actually. It's frustrating, because my vocal range varies from high to low and I think I have a pretty decent range... except there are some parts in Prince songs where I *just* can't quite get there - very close, but still not there. I wonder if with training you can expand your range? Surely you could. I suppose warming up properly would help. I know that it makes me feel like I sound a lot better when I warm up, because there is a lot more tone and unconcious use of vibrato that twines in nicely with everything. It's quite evident on the cover of Tears In Heaven I did with the band I was in a few months ago, where it sounds as if there is a lot more feeling to it than a lot of other things I have recorded. Maybe it is because I really love that song but that's probably just me. Either way, I have yet to reach Prince range and one day I hope to get there because I'd really love to sing his stuff with confidence. The only other thing I don't like about my singing is my actual voice itself. I don't think I sing horribly or badly, I know I can sing well. It's just my voice feels very... generic and not necessarily poppy but it's not that kind of voice I'd want. It doesn't feel unique, which is what a lot of good singers have in their voice - uniqueness that is. You can just listen to a song and go 'oh thats who is singing it' with only hearing about 5 seconds of it... I am not sure if that could happen with anything I sang. I am not even sure what my voice is suited to, either. I don't want to be stuck in a short list of genres because that's not the kind of music I listen to. I listen to anything. So it sucks when you feel as if your voice is only suited to a limited range of things; and like I said I am unsure anyway what my voice is suited to. I suppose if I had a guess it would be like melodic rock or something, whatever the fuck that means. An example might be Karnivool or someone like that... where he has a lovely voice that seems just right for that kind of music, but I don't think would really fit much place elsewhere. Then again I am jumping to conclusions about that singer and saying he can only sing that, and I am sure he could sing other things... it would be interesting to hear him sing some swing or something =P.
So many people were sick of hearing about Michael Jacksons death five minutes after it happened. Well, that's okay I guess. If he didn't do much for you then I can respect that - he is not up your alley. It upsets me though that even after just those five minutes jokes were made about him being deceased. Call me old fashioned, but isn't that somewhat disrespectful? Even if someone in my immediate family was accused of sexual assault against minors and did some odd things over the years (something he was aquitted for, I might add... and something he wouldn't pay his way out of. He wasn't that kind of person), I wouldn't be making fucking jokes about them when they died. I wouldn't do that to anyone. I cried when I heard about Michael Jacksons death, because it meant something. It meant that part of music had died that day. The majority of my favourite musicians were influenced by his music, my favourite guitarist for one being Buckethead. He dances just like MJ and his funky songs are most definitely influenced by MJ. One of his recent albums 'A Real Diamond In The Rough' had a song called 'The Return of Captain EO'. Captain EO was a film short Disneyland a long time ago, and Michael Jackson was the star of it. This song was recorded before MJ's death, which is interesting. Maybe it was to signify MJ's return to touring again, where he had 50 sold out shows already at the O2 arena in London. It makes me wonder what music would be like without the Jackson Five and Michaels solo career. I can promise that it wouldn't be anything like the music is today... he had defined music, as well as dancing and simply just performance itself into something new. His own moves, his own style; he was truly one of a kind and I am not sure we will ever see someone like him ever again and that makes me sad. The sound of his music will echo in my heart forever and I don't care what anyone says about him anymore. I really don't. I love his work and always will.
I'm not sure how well university is going, and I am unsure of how life all around is going. I think I need to start seeing someone again... perhaps Jacqui. I don't know what it will do but I guess it's better than nothing. There isn't anything I am conciously aware of that keeps me down or anything, and I am uncomfortable with talking to anyone about anything. Well that isn't true, I will talk to people about things... but it depends on who they are I suppose and what it is I am talking to them about. Either way, something needs to be done and done soon so I can resume life like the average person.
I have started getting into older games and online games again. Replaying Final Fantasy VII has almost broken me down a few times; so many memories. I even found my old game file on a memory card from 1997-1998 that hadn't been finished and it was superb to feel that feeling again of carefree fun. I wish I could constantly have that feeling when looking at stuff like that, without the wanting to cry part because that is not always so great. I love Final Fantasy so much. Sure, the game might be overyhyped and overrated and such but I also don't care about that either. It's just a great game, as soon as I started playing it again I remembered how *awesome* the story is and how much was involved! I had completely forgotten half of the stuff. That, and the game itself is designed so well... heaps of things to do, a complex battle system, little minigames to take you away from the random battles you come across when running to somewhere and the sheer depth of story is just amazing. That, and the cinematics are still effing amazing o.O I can't believe how good they look, and this was 12 years ago that it was made. Props to the writers, quite honestly. It's better than any book I have ever read, because it is interactive too and well it's totally better than any of the crappy books I had to read for high school that's for sure. This industry needs to be looked at more, especially with games and stories like that because sometimes they are written so much better. It's nothing like Shadow of the Colossus though, where you *have* to play it to understand. I love that game so much too, because that's the only possible way you could experience it - in a videogame. Hollywood are supposedly going to make a movie of it, and that just isn't right. You couldn't even possibly transcend into such an experience through a movie, especially with a game with such little dialogue. I hear they are making a Warcraft movie too, with the man who directed Lord of the Rings directing it. But I heard about that a long time ago... I suppose it's time to look it up. Apparently it focuses on the Alliance,who in my opinion don't have as cool a story as the Horde. Thrall is just so much more interesting than any of the Alliance leaders (and way more badass XD).
I just recieved a call from a very, very Woggy guy.
Me: "Hello?"
Him: "How much to make a box?"
Me: "Sorry?"
Him: "How much to make a sub box?"
Me: "I think you have the wrong number, sir"
Him: "Derpity derp da derpity".
Okay so everything but the last line was said. I couldn't decipher what he last said because it was just... well, indecipherable. Derp is always the best replacement. I am done for now I think, time to play more Final Fantasy.
Much love <3.