Whiny Exhausted Whine is Whiny

Jun 29, 2012 20:26

... found out earlier this week that the youngest step-son did not, in fact, graduate from high school this spring. ... not unexpected, after four years in four different schools ... but frustrating, still....

... plus interviewing for a job Tuesday... which entails buying a car... which requires money I don't have, but more than that requires an hour and a half commute every day, IF I get it... it's killing me that of the two things I hate most in the world, driving and debt, I need to drive in order to dig out from the pile of debt...

... plus sister-in-law's in town this weekend...

... plus back taxes...

... plus I haven't really been eating or sleeping much of late...

... and the thing's that stressing me out is that I have half my secret_chlark fic to type up...

real life

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