Am I the Only Lame Person Out There Who Can't Think Unless There's A Pen In Her Hand?

Dec 04, 2010 20:13

So, I was reading something for someone the other day on Google Docs, and after I made a suggestion to this person she immediately began to type out an entire additional paragraph incorporating the suggestion in it. Which ... wow. I had no idea people could do that. None. Usually when I write any new idea happens when I'm ironing or checking press proofs for correct bar-code placement, and then I have to grab a pen and immediately scribble it down before it floats off into the ether. And then I have to flesh it out in a room by myself with no other noises because if someone, my husband say, walks in singing the Oklahoma Sooners rouser (which isn't his team anyway), I lose my train of thought. My user pic illustrates the general mood I'm in when this happens.

Next, I finally start inputting everything into a computer. This is where the process really becomes dicey, because usually I'll see big gaping plot-holes or I'll realize I've used the word "actually" five times in one paragraph and things will need to be re-written. This a is miserable process that generally requires a beer or two to get through, because the instant my fingers touch the keys my internal editor sits up and starts looking at everything in that pinched, snooty way my internal editor has. So a story that took me two hours to write can take six to edit. Sometimes, for especially vexing bits, I find myself re-writing everything in long-hand because life is simply to short to try to key-stroke this stuff out.

Does anyone else have this problem? Or do your words magically drop from your finger-tips to your keyboard? If so please don't answer this poll.


P.S. If anyone knows where I can find a Chlionel icon, they get a Polar Bear.


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