Allison Mack Fans are Awesome and What was Up With That Newspaper Vendor in Sacrifice?

May 02, 2010 16:14

First off, I am in awe of everyone who made #AllisonMack trend Friday night. I tried, I really did, but after racing home Friday night determined to learn to use Twitter in five minutes or less, I learned my husband had spontaneously invited guests over for dinner. Stupid, stupid real life! Anyway, I'm just amazed by ya'll and incredibly proud to be a part of this fandom.

The other bummer about RL fun on Friday is that I've only managed to see about half of Sacrifice yet. However, I've watched and re-watched that opening scene where Chloe gets her coffee about five times, because I cannot for the life of me figure out what it's about. As I posted on twop:

Another thing I'm interested in was the stone-work around that newspaper vendor. There's a shot of him when he's making the comment about "strong and burnt" with a very distinct pattern in the background that reminded me of the etching on the doors of the DP basement. That, combined with his question "What kind of work does a pretty girl like you...?" and Chloe's glance at the headlines before putting the paper down seemed as if it was supposed to scream.... something. I'm not sure what. That (once again from BQM) she'd put all that behind her and was Movin' On Up (to a deluxe crime-fighting apartment in the sky)? Except that's not really working out for her either, since said apartment went all Ultrahouse 3000 on her. So I don't know -- anybody else got any ideas?

I do not get the point of that scene. At. All. Why did they feel the need to re-connect her with the idea of newspapers in the very episode she took Watchtower offline (coffee-vendor guy couldn't have just been a convenience store clerk? or even a barista at that place with the sidewalk tables from Roulette?)? 

Now that I've sent five whole tweets I'm tempted to shoot one off to BQM and ask him what the hell, but as of now it seems like I'm the only person seeing anything here. Anybody else feel teased / taunted by this?
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