Nov 05, 2009 13:22
So, at this morning's production meeting, we were discussing mashed potatoes ('cuz it's a productive thing to discuss?). The colleague to my left mentioned that in the spring, when his herb garden comes in, he likes to "play" with his mashed potatoes, so naturally I asked if he'd ever sculpted Devil's Tower. To this point he and everyone in the room responded with a slight look of puzzlement. "Oh, you know. Close Encounters? You know, Close Encounters of the Third Kind?" More puzzlement. "Richard Dreyfuss, Steven Speilberg? The aliens are trying to make contact and .... oh never mind."
Normally I'd have felt like a huge geeky ass at that point but a) everyone in that room was older than I am, so it's not as if they were still in diapers when it came out and b) it's Speilberg, people. SPEILBERG.
the kind of geek i am