time flies when your having fun

Jan 16, 2007 22:13

wow, i can't believe that it is the end of winter break already. Where did all of first semester go? It was wonderful seeing Czarine and Lauren again as well as the rest of the usual gang, but I still didn't get to see everyone else I wanted to see this break or get to spend any large amount of time with any one person. That means you Tamara as well as Tina and a half a dozen other people such as Mike Defran. You know last year it seemed winter break was so long. I guess because i was just use to no break at all so anything was longer than no break. I'm sure my vacation also shortened the normal time, but that was amazing. Belize is an absolutely amazing country, Mexico has crystal clear water and what can i say about Nassau port accept that besides it's beautiful landscape it has some awsome pirate history. It was even nice to be on a boat...er i mean ship for a few days. I'm glad my sea legs have finally gone. It was to the point that everytime I closed my eyes everything rocked. It was even an experince spending a week with my family. I don't ever think I'll forget this past new years eve. It was an altogether great trip and i guess i needed it. It was definately relaxing and I got to read. I also got to see Pirates of the Caribbean in the Caribbean and on a ship. I don't think many people can boast that one. Everythings back to normal here now or as close to normal as my house ever gets. I'm currently fighting a nasty little head cold that never really went away from before the trip. At least I have a voice which i didn't have when the trip started, but it's annoying coughing all the time and having a runny nose. I have five days to lose it and i have every intention of doing so even if it means that i do nothing but sleep until school starts again. Sorry to whoever calls wanting to do something it all depends on how i feel. I hope to read a book or 2 more before school starts on monday... we'll see if it happens... Oh and in happier news it looks like we got a puppy! Mom after much research and searching has found a sweet little cavilier in west virginia who has papers and is ready to go. She's an adorable 4 lbs tri color pup. Were just trying to figure out now if we are going to ship her or go on a road trip. It'll probably be another week before she's in our home but it's nice to finally find a breeder who is not snotty or stuck up as most around here are. There was one nice kennel here but unfortunately they don't have any puppies at this time but she did offer us to see her pack as well as give advice. So we'll see about this puppy and of course i'll post plenty of pics on facebook for everyone when she's home. Well good luck to everyone already back at school and if you have any good puppy female names post them. I can't guarantee to use them but maybe there'll be one that just fits. Ta ta for now ~Sharon
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