
Jun 08, 2007 12:34

Taken from iamfiction.

1. What was the first video game you have ever played?
Either Qbert or some game whose name I can't remember. It involved making a giant hamburger by climbing a series of ladders and knocking down the ingredients while avoiding salt and pepper shakers that want to eat you. It was on my cousins' atari.

2. What was your first console?
Nintendo Entertainment System!

3. Have you ever visited a video game arcade?
I used to all the time, but most of them seem to have closed down. I have gone to a couple in the past four years to play DDR, but it's kinda difficult to play DDR at an arcade because it's hard to hear the music.

4. What was your first handheld?
Sega GameGear. It was huge, but in color way before any other handhelds. I had a grand total of three games for it. I don't think I got past the second level on any of them. I was in grade school at the time, and couldn't really get past the second level on anything. I sucked. ^_^;;

5. What was the first game you've beaten/cleared completely? (Got to the last level/got 100%/beat high score, etc.)
The first Spyro game was the first game I beat the final boss in, but it didn't feel like I cleared it completely because there was a bonus level that I didn't unlock because I didn't free all the dragons. FFVII was the next one I beat.

6. Games based off of real sports: Yay or Nay?
Nay, except for on hockey game for the NES that I kind of enjoyed (mainly because it had a zamboni...

7. Online games: Yay or nay?

8. Do you play any Massively Multiplayer Online RPG games? (MMORPGs?)
I still have my FFXI account, and I'm tempted by the burning crusade trial, but in general I don't game enough to make the online experience worthwhile. I also tend to abandon games for a few months before returning to them, which gets kind of expensive if you're paying a monthly fee. I like playing FFXI with John, but really I'm too low level to play with him much, and I don't really have the motivation to level up to where he is. I should probably cancel my account.

9. Do you play any virtual pet games? (Neopets, Teripets, Aftermathzone, etc.)
Mom got me Catz for my birthday. I think I've played it once since then.

10. Puzzle games and Strategy games: Yay or Nay?
Yay! I'm currently lovin' Eets! Chowdown. on xbox arcade. It's a puzzel/strategy game with explosive marshmellows!

11. Do you play any RPGs?

12. Do you play any Platform games?
I think so. I'm not entirely certain what counts as a Platform game, but I'm assuming Mario Cart counts? I used to play some of the Crash Bandicoot games. I love Zelda games too.

13. What was the first game/console/handheld of yours that stopped working?
The NES. We did manage to replace it though.


14. Do you actually care if a game has a plot or do you just play games for the gameplay?
That depends entirely on the game. It doesn't really bother me that Lumines doesn't have a plot, but an RPG or an action/adventure game needs to have a plot.

15. Name a few video game characters that are your favorites.
The Prince from Prince of Persia as he was pre Warrior Within. Basch from FFXII. Riku from Kingdom Hearts. Samus from Metroid (I'm not a big fan of the Metroid games, but like her as a character). Jade or whatever her name was from Beyond Good and Evil (which I really need to finish now that I think about it...)

16. Name a few series that are your favorites.
Prince of Persia, except that Warrior Within kind of ruined the series for me. I've heard the newer ones have kind of improved, but I just feel kind of burned and thus haven't checked them out. Final Fantasy, no surprises here... Zelda, there's just something incredibly fun about all their games, and I respect them for not being afraid to do interesting things with the art direction of the games even if the games themselves are all very similar.

17. Has a video game ever made you cry?
Um, not that I recall. I've become kind of weepy in my old age, so it's probably only a matter of time before one makes me cry. I used to never cry at movies, but a few years ago I started getting teary eyed at some movies, and now when I watch Pan's Labyrinth I start bawling...

18. Has a video game character annoyed you so much that you wanted him removed from the game?
Hehe, well I released one of the Einjarhwhatsits from Valkyrie Profile just because I thought he was obnoxious. I forget his name, but it was the wizard with the pointy hat.

19. Do you "pair" or "ship" characters up with one another? (make/create/write romance involving them)
No. It has more to do with my disinterest in fan fiction then anything else though.

20. Do you write video game fanfiction?

21. Do you draw video game fanart?
I used to draw a lot of FFVII fanart. I was mainly just interested in figuring out Cloud's hair. I still occasionally draw a character here or there.

22. Do you come up with theories on how a character came to be/what he or she would do in a situation/why he or she is moody/etc.
Yes. ^_^;

23. Are you a "fanboy" or "fangirl" of any character?
I don't think so.

Boss Battles/Villains

24. Hardest Boss Battle
Hmm, I'm going to go with the Nightmare boss in Metroid that I'm stuck on. I know what I'm supposed to do to win, but halfway through the battle my hands always start to cramp and I can't do it.

25. Most Frustrating Boss Battle
I'm not sure if it counts as a Boss battle, but last night I was playing FFXII and trying to hunt the Croakadile, which is a giant frog-like thing. I got him down to a sliver of his health, there was seriously only a few pixels of red in his healthbar, and he killed me. I believe it was my fourth time fighting him. He always casts Regen on himself.

26. Most Rewarding Boss Battle
For me it was when I beat Sephiroth in FFVII. It was the first time I felt like I'd actually beaten a game. Seeing as how I've been gaming since I was a small child, and I didn't get that feeling until High School, it was quite nice to finally feel it. Also I sucked and didn't get Knights of Round, so it was really a very challenging battle. The time I saw someone else seem most rewarded was a guy at CCAD who was playing Kingdom Hearts in the student center over lunch. When he defeated Dark Riku, he started yelling and jumping around the student center.

27. Funnest Boss Battle
I think this goes to Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth. It was all pretty and I like Sephiroth's music. Plus I was actually able to beat an optional boss. The trade off with that was the actually final boss in KH was disappointingly easy since I was kind of over leveled for him.

28. Most Boring Boss Battle
The fight with Yu Yevon! Everyone in you party automatically gets autolife. You cannot die. This somehow takes all the fun out of it. That and you finally see the root of all the misery on Spira, and it's a giant floating tick...

29. Boss Battle that dragged out for a long, long time
Hmm, Sephiroth FFVII. Mostly because he kept doing that meteor attack which showed the meteor going through the solar system to get to earth. Which always kind of confused me actually. I didn't think the game was on earth, but in that attack all the planets are labeled, so you know it's in our solar system...

30. Boss Battle with the coolest music
Haha, Sephiroth again. I'm not a Sephiroth fan-girl, I swear!

31. Most Surprising Boss Battle
The giant spider in Metroid. I just wasn't expecting a spider. And I had to have John beat it for me, since I was so creeped out by the giant spider I was having trouble focusing to fight it.

32. What's your all time favorite villain?
I rather like the Vizier in Prince of Persia Sands of Time. There's not much to him, but he was always effective as villain to me. I'm still not entirely certain what he wanted with the sands of time. I think that may be what intrigues me about him. Besides, I like fairy tales with their simplified character types.

33. What's your all time least favorite villain?
This would be the villains from Prince of Persia Warrior Within. For one thing, there were serious thong continuity issues. I mean, they made the thong very prominent in many of the shots, and then failed to make it a consistent style. Did they think no one was going to be looking at it? The ones I hated the most were the bondage ninja women who were the main villain's minions. They kept saying "there's sooo much pleeaasure in paain!" it was kind of effective in that it made me want to kill them all, but in the end it just made me want to turn of the playstation. In general that game just really pissed me off. It was like they made Sands of Time, which was a simple, somewhat short game, that was very entertaining, effective, and just plain worked, and then went to make the sequel to their very nice game, but decided they need to do the complete opposite to what they did in the first game. Also the premise to Warrior Within makes absolutely no sense to me.

34. Do you ever feel sorry for the villains?
Yes. A good villain always thinks they are not a villain, but that they are doing the right thing. How can you not feel sorry for someone like that?

35. Are there any villains that seem like they should be playing for the good guys, but aren't?
Not really, but like I said the good ones think they are playing the good guys.

36. Most malicious villain?
Hmm. I think perhaps the Covenant. I've been playing Halo lately, and they seem pretty malicious. I mean, they basically agreed to destroy everything as part of some religious movement. Halo, deeper then you'd think.

37. Most surprising villain?
I was kind of surprised by Vossler in FFXII.


38. What is your all-time favorite 2D Game?
Does Eets! Chowdown! count? It's kind of a side scroller, but there are a few toonshaded 3D elements. Otherwise, I think I'd go with Zelda: Minish Cap because it was cute and loads of fun.

39. What's your favorite 3D game? (PS1/N64 generation)
I'm going to go with Oddworld, even though I didn't get very far in it. Still, it was gorgeous and had an interesting premise.

40. What's your favorite arcade game?
That Ninja Turtle game I used to play with my dad and brother when I was a kid.

41. What's your favorite current-gen game? (Gamecube/PS2/X-Box)
I think it's still Prince of Persia Sands of Time. It just did everything right in my book. It maybe wasn't the best game ever, but it was going the direction that I want games to go in.

42. Sequels/long series: Yay or nay?
Yay ...ish? I like final fantasy games, so obviously I'm ok with series, but it should also be kind of obvious that I thought Prince of Persia got kind of ruined by a bad point in the series. If a game company is going to do sequels and series they're going to have to be careful how they go about it. It's easy to muck things up.

43. What's your favorite Online Game?

Hmm, I'm not sure.

44. What's your favorite console?
I love all my consoles equally. That's like asking a mother to choose between her children...

45.What's your favorite handheld?
As much as I love my DS Lite, I have a stronger sentimental attachment to my retro SP.

46. Have you ever got yourself involved in a "console war"? (arguing that a console is better than another console)
No, but I have been dissed by a random guy who thought I wasn't worth his time because I didn't own a GameCube. I was a poor unemployed student at the time and only owned a PS2.

47. Have you ever defended a character/game/console you liked in an argument? Which one?
I had to defend my PS2 to said random guy. In retrospect, he wasn't worth my time.

48. Name a game that you like but everyone else seems to hate.
I don't know that most people hate the game, but Hotel Dusk Room 215. All I really know is that the guy over at Penny Arcade was really excited about it, but then played it and didn't like it. It's true that the game doesn't have a whole lot in the way of actual game play, but I'm enjoying it anyway.

49. Name a character that you like but everyone else seems to hate.
Aeris. If nothing else, she just seems far to neutral to evoke the hate she gets.

50. Name a game that you hate but everyone else seems to like.
I don't really hate this game, but I don't love it like everyone else seems to: God of War. I think my dislike of the game doesn't have that much to do with the game itself either. It came out fairly soon after my brother committed suicide, someone lent me a demo of the game and I thought I should play it to get my mind off suicide, and what do you know, the game starts with the main character jumping to his death... I've been meaning to give it another chance, since it seems to be the game that picked up on what PoPSoT did so well, but I haven't.

51. Name a character that you hate but everyone else seems to love.
Squall from FFVIII. He just so whiny.

52. Have you ever stopped before you finished a game because it was too frustrating to go on?
Yes. Many times.

53. Will you stop at NOTHING to get 100% in a video game?
No. Not even close.

54. Have you ever injured yourself at a video game?
Sometimes my wrists start to hurt while gaming, but I think that's related to too much computer use as well as gaming. Oh carpel tunnel...

55. Has a horror/survival genre video game scared you to the point that you refused to finish the game? Did you get nightmares from said game?
Well, watching John play Silent Hill 3 for five minutes was enough to make me not start to play the game. Also, I never wish to play Condemned just from having watched John's friend play one level. No I didn't get nightmares from either.

56. Have you ever thrown a controller/disc/cartridge in a fit of frustration?
Yes, but not hard as I wasn't frustrated enough to want to hurt the controller.

57. Do you need to blow/clean certain games to get them to play?
We used to with the NES.

58. Have you ever played a game for so long that you missed sleep over it?
Yes ^_^;; especially if I'm really into a game and forget that I have work in the morning.

59. Were you ever involved in the Pokemon craze?
I used to watch the shows, and I'm tempted to buy Pokemon Pearl since John's been playing Diamond and it looks kinda fun. Plus your avatar has a wii, and that might be as close to owning a wii as I'll be able to get in the near future.

60. Last but not least: Do you picture yourself playing video games 10, 20, or 30 years from now?
Hell yeah! This is a life long hobby for me.

Hehe, that's a really fun meme, if a bit long. I suppose I need to stop wasting time and get some stuff done now! I need to do laundry in the worst sort of way.

meme, video games, gaming

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