A few days ago while I was dying my hair at home, I thought, why stop here? I procured some fruit punch kool-aid and in an hour, Lolita was dyed pink.
I wanted it to come out bright raging pink like the poodle images I googled. But even in the past few days it has faded substantially. Even at the brightest, the hue looked only as if someone threw in a red sock into the washer with my cat.
I'm pretty sure that PETA, and my mom from the sounds of it, do not approve. But if you knew my cat, you'd see that it suits her ostentatious personality. Besides, Lola's colorblind as far as we know, so I'm sure she doesn't mind or have any beef with my color selection. She was just unpleased with having her fur get wet during the dying process, that's all. The very nature of highly stainable Kool-aid, being non-toxic and seeing no such instances in my prior researching, still set me back as the only hesitation I had was: what if she's cleaning herself vigorously, as cats tend to do after they are bathed or otherwise soaked, and has a bad reaction and throws up pink kool-aid all over my tan carpet? Would I get my security deposit back? And how would I explain this? Perhaps this is when PETA would come to my door.
But all went well, and kitty is the same mouthy thing as she usually is.
Well, most of the time.