
Feb 01, 2007 15:42

If I wasn't before, I'm convinced now that we live in a paranoid, complacent society that is living in absolute terror of, well, terrorism after this stunt:


In short, Light Brites = Boston Bombs.

I almost never watch TV anymore, but I did happen to catch this related message on Adult Swim last night:

Essentially, this boils down to:
"We are sorry that the city of Boston is full of fucking morons."

The mayor had this to say:

"It is outrageous, in a post 9/11 world, that a company would use this type of marketing scheme." -Mayor Menino

Sorry they offended your fragile sensibilities. You know what else? Viral marketing works. Ever heard of YouTube? SOMEONE SET UP US THE BOMB, OH SHI-

What's worse is that the guys who were responsible for the stunt are being charged for essentially causing mayhem in Beantown:

"Berdovsky, 27, a freelance video artist from Arlington, Massachusetts, and Stevens, 28, face charges of placing a hoax device in a way that results in panic, as well as one count of disorderly conduct, said Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. The hoax charge is a felony, she said."

"It had a very sinister appearance," Coakley told reporters. "It had a battery behind it, and wires."

Okay, the main problem I have with this: Who the hell puts a bomb in a conspicuous place?! Hey, Coakley, I found something else that has batteries and wires:

I'm shocked and appalled that this sort of faggotry can occur. Logic and common sense should prevail, but it seems that we've lost even that. This is why the the rest of the world hates the U.S.; they are simultaneously hyper patriotic assholes and xenophobic little children afraid of their own shadows.

I'm no lawyer, but I'd love to see the court case go something like this:

The defending lawyer stands up, saying "Your honor, the prosecution is a bunch of retards. The defense rests." Then he sits down.

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