Jun 13, 2004 12:31
So Sunday night again, ryan and I decide to go out wardriving though this time it was a little more exciting. We drove all over town and I mean all over. Must have put 70 miles on the car doing jack shit, though some of that was doing things other than wardriving. We picked up food and hung out at Papa Saverio's for a bit too.
In all of those miles we only found 2 new networks and only 1 of them was usable. The other one was just a feint trace of a network that we got, lost, and couldn't find again. However, the other network is the one that came bundled along with all the fun.
I had been talking with Pat about our wardriving efforts and he said that there were a few around his parents house in Glen Ellyn. Now knowing that he himself had one we first tried his house but to no avail. Either it wasn't turned on or we just couldn't pick up the signal. We drove off and a few houses down the block picked up a signal...finally. I parked in front of the house and turned the car off making it looked like we were just parked.
We tried out a few programs that I had found on the net earlier but couldn't find out anything good. It was just anotherLinksys router. I swear is that the ONLY kind people buy? They're EVERYwhere. Again, it was completely insecure and everything was set at defaults. This all took....oh say 10 - 15 mins of us being parked there. Turns out this is plenty of time to call the cops and get a car sent to the house to investigate, something the owners of the house or neighbors did. (I'm guessing the owners 'cause the cop walked up to the house after he let us go)
Since the street we were on was fairly busy I figured the cop car, a suburban, was just another regular car driving past cause I couldn't see the lightbar (he never turned it on) in the glare of it's headlights....until it stopped.....and turned on a bright ass spotlight on us. What did my dumb ass do then? Well very simple....I waved. Yup. Waved. Cop gets out, walks over and asks us what we're doing. At this point I'm a nervous as hell but managed to be cool.
Now this was great, if it hadn't been for this who knows how it would have turned out. Copper asked us what we were doing and you know what cool headed quick thinking ryan says? "we're fixing the laptop" crazy huh? It actually worked. We went on to say that ryan had been having problems with it and I had pulled over to help him instead of risking bad driving since he was asking techie questions that require thought (doesn't me I couldn't, just makes it easier) The cop bought it, asked us some personal questions like where we go to school and found that we were just home for the summer. We played nice and innocent and he didn't ask us for ID's or nothing.
Just said ok boys have a good one and then walked up to the house most likely to tell the owners the story. I started the car and pulled away right then and high tailed it outta there. Now I think the way I acted was from hanging out with Christina and B & K otherwise I would have been nervous as hell as ryan was. He was shaking afterwards and wouldn't stop talking about it. Shit really spooked him. Took like 20mins to calm him down but it's ok cause he wasn't fully aware of the legalities of wardriving. Hell I'm not 100% sure of it myself but we had a good story and it worked.
Maybe we'll go out again, *shrugs*, dunno. Either way we've had our fair share of fun.