Aug 24, 2006 18:02
OMG, this is actually my first entry of the whole year! And it's August!
Rrrright. Anyway....i really don't know where this year has gone, its flown past, even though i know i just sit around and wait for next year to come. as it will be so much better. i hope. a lot of things have happened this year...most of which i think i will be trying to forget, but more good memories than bad :) Just need to get on track with this whole LJ thing again because i missed it, and reading back on them just now was fun. :D
Errrrm, as exams been and gone...results were...ok, just need to work my arse off this year, as i REALLY want to get away to university. considering leicester, so i have to give off the illusion that i am actually clever. which could be quite hard!
Yesterday i got back from an explorer camp in which i was the leader of...*shock horror* and amazingly it didn't go too badly...even considering the last night when we nearly all died from scaredness from mad people being in the woods, and no one to protect us apart from the wardens about 1/4 of a mile away coz no leaders. but i'm sure we'll all recover from therapy. and thanks (not) to ian for his advice..."don't whistle back."
And that means that i now have.....37 nights away as an explorer! (those of you who haven't realised how sad i am...or have not had the pleasure of me telling you this already....i am trying to get my 50 nights away badge before i'm a leader. or not an explorer anymore. which is in january.) And if i say so myself...which i am, i think its quite impressive being as i have about the same as the guys who used to be in cubs and scouts as well, so its pretty cool as i've only been an explorer for about 2 and a half years. that, or i have no life. So thats only...13 nights to go? Rock on. Though now the weather is only going to get colder. Dammit. Ooh, and also my other record...going on a camp every also going ok atm. So this year...i have...been on a lot of scout camps...8 to be in fact? or is it more? No, its actually 9. Wow, new levels of wierdness being acheived here. sometimes i actually think i prefer sleeping under canvas than i do in my own bed. but that's usually at the beginning of a camp. by the end of it i'm ready to go home.
Also, when i got back from camp yesterday, my disposable camera films were in the post which i eventually sent off last week. films included...end of year 11, florida with josie last summer and berlin (about a month ago). so as you can see...LJ is not the only thing i have been neglecting. But the photo's are good, and they did cheer me up, espec the berlin trip ones, as that has got to be the most fun i've ever had with something to do with school. :D:D:D. And the florida ones were awesome, but cnt believe we've changed so much since then....for one, josie had hair!
So josie, if you're reading this....COME ROUND AND SEE AMERICA PHOTO'S!
Can't actually think of anything more thats happened this year...have made new friends...remade old drunk a few times...made a fool of myself ALOT of times..but that was to be expected. Learnt a lot of things, mainly to do with myself, not really to do with anything needed, like chemistry. at least i dropped it.