Jun 17, 2008 23:16
Haven't posted anything in the last few days.
Anyways, spring quarter is finally over. I passed 3 out of 4 of my classes. As predicted, I totally bombed my math final thus failing the class no matter how well I did on my tests, quizzes and homework. So yeah, I'm bummed....but oh well. I'll just have to take the class again, for the third time. I'm going to take it during the winter 09 quarter. I already registered for fall so I'm not going to fuck with it. I'm not in the mood. I got a B in government which I'm totally disappointed in myself for getting. I mean come on, ME? Government? a B?!?!? I totally deserved an A. I swear. Oh well. :( It's probably because I didn't participate in class as much as I should've. I just don't like talking out loud in class...it makes me nervous. :( Anyhoo, I got a B in English which is what I expected to get and an A in basic computer concepts. So all is well...my GPA isn't totally trashed because of math. It's sitting at a nice 3.33. so yay.
Summer quarter started yesterday. So far it's going all right. I'm taking Sociology and Psychology for my Summer A term and then I'll be taking Western Civilization and a Lit class during Summer B term. So I'm excited.
Today was Stacey's birthday so...Happy B-day, sis.