Jun 12, 2008 12:58
Ok so after my previous post I gave myself a little shock. It’s been six months since I’ve updated this thing (or close enough to). One might ask themselves what I’ve been up to these past few months and one might expect me to have paragraphs… hell pages and pages of things to say. But the truth is I’m struggling to find something meaning to write about.
I’ve turned 26 now. God 26 and single, what’s wrong with me. That’s weighing on me a bit I guess. Sick of short term stuff. This lil chicken wants something meaningful. Easier said than done though.
Lately my friends seem to be disappearing… sort of. I haven’t seen Lauren for a while, but she’s started a new job and is working quite a bit so I can understand that but Rowena doesn’t talk to me like she used to and Marissa… Marissa who I thought was a good friend, someone who was like me, someone who I got a long not just good with but great with… well her I haven’t seen in a long time now, and not for lack of trying. Who do I blame for this turn about in friendship… the boyfriends.
I think what happens (with the cases of Marissa and Rowena) is that when they get their boyfriends and it becomes series they ditch all their guy friends. Ok so I’m jumping to conclusions. But Marissa bums me out the most. She’s just “too busy” apparently. Just wish she’d come right out and say hey I just don’t want to hang out with you anymore.
Blah.. oh yeah… that smelly guy is back in…. ugh.