Sep 14, 2008 17:36
I am loyal to the GAP for a few reasons...
1. their clothes are made to fit women ...not anorexic/bulemic women with 12 year old boobs fit in the shirt and my ass fits in their pants.
2. i have a gap credit card....which means I can go their even when I do not have money.
3. They are consistent, they always have some sort of nice stuff in the store.
4. the store is clean. the gap is always clean and organized *for more details see entry titled why i hate forever 21.
5. they are always pretty nice and i get a coupon for 25 percent off quite often.
Lets talk about starbucks now. I know everyone loooveees to shit talk us, I mean why not we are such a horrible company. What kind of AWFUL establishment offers full health coverage for 20 hour/week employees...what douches!!! What kind of company serves FAIR TRADE coffee as their primary roast...yup thats right Pikes Place the starbucks roast of the day that we order 90 percent of our whole bean order of is indeed a FAIR TRADE ETHICALLY SOURCED COFFEE. We are also sooo glutenous with our whip cream being optional choice, our offerings of both nonfat and ORGANIC soy milk, not to mention our entire line of healthy food... don't blame us because your fat ass wants to wash down your steak burger from the non benefit offering BK next door with a big fattening Mint mocha ordered it jackass. We are dominating the industry...did it ever occur to anyone that this might be true because people like our coffee not to mention our fantastic customer service that your bitch ass doesn't get anywhere else....I wonder why we offer great customer service...oh wait, I bet its because our employees are happy because we treat them right. OH YEAH and I forgot to talk about our highprices. I will admit we are pricey but not as much as other coffee shops, the other day I was chilling at the Cool/ Scene beans on the square. Jessica got a 16 oz white mocha frappe that didn't even taste that great for five fucking dollars. you can get a damn 24 ounce at starbucks in 1/4 of the time that you wait there. In addition I checked and a large dunkin donuts coffee (light and sweet) is 1.89 for a 20 oz. Our 20 oz is 2.07, so we charge an extra 21 cents for our coffee but what do you that was roasted literally a week before it is served, coffee that is thrown out and rebrewed every 30 minutes...stellar customer service not to mention knowing you are drinking FAIR TRADE coffee.
So anyway--for those of you who talk about how people who love starbucks are idiots or how they HATE starbucks because of all these benign reasons, research on the company a little longer and then go buy your $5.50 Frappe from some independant coffee shop that probably doesn't give its employees health care, probably doesn't pay them jack shit, probably doesn't sell fair trade coffee or care the least bit about the coffee farmers, and last but not least have fun waiting 20 minutes in line for them to make it and then rolling their eyes at you because your hair isn't emo enough and you don't like their shitty ass music.
thanks for that "writers block" topic livejournal.
microsoft small business2,
writer's block,
brand loyalty