The Making of a Jedi (Bath) robe: Part 2-The Mock-up

Nov 27, 2011 18:09

Mods to paper pattern:  cut 6" in length,
marked placement and added pocket slits,
added arm length

I didn't hem this as my model had a date and was in a hurry.  Also I am planning to finish it with an edging, not a hem.

After adding the hood, the neckline is a good half inch thick. As I don't intend to have the hood this way on MY robe (the final use for this mock-up), I did not final stitch and trim the seams.

The velour is stretchier than the melton, so I think I will leave the hem as it is, and add less to the sleeves.  Also Likely to cut the hood down considerably.

Tell me what you think, Em.
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