::::+::::This Must Be Why We All Have Frozen To Death::::+::::

Nov 23, 2004 22:54

"This isn't what it used to be.
Like folded corners of worn pages trying to hold their place,
Because no one fucking cares anymore,
I'm peeling back finger nails to hold you.
Tearing out hearts trying to forgive you.
Nothing seems to matter anymore. No, it's all gone.
The sadness never leaves but only grows.
And it keeps you caged. And it keeps you locked up,
And it keeps you afraid.
Nothing seems to matter anymore. No, it's fucking gone.
But maybe I'm the one to blame. So bring on the sleep, take my name.
Come on. We're waving the white flag. Come on. We're calling in sick.
I don't want to be a part of anything that ever feels like this."

So, after a year and a few months we have a member leaving the band. It's fucking sad because we know that the music will not be the same without them. There is a certain energy you get when you play with certain people. I think thats what makes a good band work, you need to have it on a musical and friendship level. As disappointed as i was to hear this news, i knew for a long time that it was coming. We have all been through many ups and downs and even though the future looks so dark we kind of hope we'll pick someone else up. If not then i guess it's not meant to be. I hope that in our short time we have inspired people, and impressed them. I hope we have made them feel like i felt at my first show, or that feeling that you get when you see a really really crazy band. It's so much you can't even take it all in sometimes. The excitement of playing on stage has been amazing and that is a one of a kind high that you never get doing anything else. As far as i know December 18th will be the last show for awhile if not for good, as i hope for the "awhile" part it all depends on who we can get to come in and fill the spot. I guess a lot of people will be wondering what hapend and to be honest it's no ones business but our own. Please don't ask questions because i do not want to answer any of them. Just tell as many people as possible that this could be our last show and hopefully everyone will pack it out, i promise something insane will most likely happen. Think our live show then....all 5 of us extremely emotional, pissed off, and sad. It hurts to lose someone close man it feels like someone died and they didn't....but life goes on. Music is what myself and the rest of the remaining members love to do. If you don't see Octobers Murder Mystery anymore then you will most likely see one of us in other bands.


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