Important Notes

Dec 30, 2010 17:57

Some important notes!!!

1. If you're a member of crossovers_las and/or movie_las -- Sunday is the last day to request either of your two free pimping skips!

2. If you're a member of abc_las, fox_las, kink_las, nbc_las, originalfic_las, stargate_las, syfy_las and/or usanetwork_las -- we start back with new challenges this coming Monday!

3. If you're a member of book_las --- our first round starts Monday! You have until next Friday to request either of your two free pimping skips.

4. If you WANT to be a member of book_las --- go SIGN UP NOW! :)

5. We now have a poll going about reminders, so please plug your votes in here - this is for writers of the comms ONLY!

6. If you have an account on ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN -- LAS now has a collection you can freely add your stories to HERE

o: important note

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