New Round & Comm Sign-Ups

Dec 13, 2010 08:39

Because I realized I never actually posted it HERE (as in the lasupdates) community about the new sign-ups for people who are just tracking this community --- here you go! :)

Sign-Ups for the following communities/topics/themes are now open here (sign up post #1) and here (sign up post #2).

Networks (based on all past and present shows) --> ABC Network, BBC Network, Books, CBS Network, CW/WB/UPN Networks, FOX Network, HBO/Showtime Networks, NBC Network, SYFY Network, TNT Network, USA Network

Type --> Drabbles, Ficlets, Five Time Fics, Original Fiction, Poetry, Scenes

Pairings --> Angel/Buffy (ATS/BtVS), Aragon/Arwen (LotR), Blair/Chuck (Gossip Girl), Buffy/Spike (BtVS), Cameron/John (TSCC), Clark/Lois (Smallville), Damon/Elena (The Vampire Diaries), Daniel/Vala (Stargate SG-1), Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who), Draco/Hermione (Harry Potter), Eric/Sookie (True Blood), Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter), Henry/Anne (The Tudors), Jack/Ianto (Torchwood), Mal/Inara (Firefly/Serenity), Melinda/Jim (Ghost Whisperer)

Love Triangles --> Angel/Buffy/Spike (ATS/BtVS), Bill/Eric/Sookie (True Blood), Damon/Elena/Stefan (The Vampire Diaries), Damon/Katherine/Stefan (The Vampire Diaries)

Genres --> Angst, Baby, Crack, Fairytales, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, MPreg, Next Generation, Parody, Real Person Fic

Fandoms --> Alias, Blood Ties, Ghost Whisperer, Gossip Girl, Harry Potter Series, Jossverse, LOST, Lord of the Rings Series, Moonlight, Smallville, Stargate Series, Star Trek Series, Star Wars Series, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Twilight Series

Multi-Fandom Themes --> 80's Cartoons, Anime/Manga, Books, Crossovers, Femslash/Slash, Kink, Movies, Original Chars, Paranormal Fandoms, Teen/Tween Fandoms, Unconventional Pairings, Vampire Fandoms, Video Game Fandoms, Villians, Werewolf Fandoms, Westerns

Misc --> Fanmixes, Fanvids, Picspams

The only ones not taking sign-ups YET are - FOX, Kink, Original Fiction, and Stargate as FOX, Original Fiction and Stargate aren't down enough of their members yet but soon hopefully and Kink just started.

o: new round, o: new comms

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