[ app → elena fisher ]

May 03, 2011 04:02

[Player name] Megan
[Age] 25
[Personal Journal] perseverance
[Other characters currently played] N/A

[Character name] Elena Fisher
[Age] 28 (this is a guesstimation as there is no real “Canon” DOB for her.)
[Canon] Uncharted
[Point in time taken from canon] Uncharted 2: Among Thieves; Chapter 11 - Keep Moving; just after Elena’s cameraman, Jeff, is shot dead.

Elena Fisher’s Wikia

Elena comes equipped with a very stubborn attitude and a sharp tongue. She is not the type of girl who will take any persons crap and will happily, if not bluntly, tell them that she’s not going to listen to them if she doesn’t want to deal with their irritations or stupidities. Despite this however, she is actually a very kind hearted woman who has more things on her mind than, say, a treasure hunter after a life’s fortune would. Her life revolves around her work mostly, of which happens to be her television show featuring archaeology and all that it entails. It’s through her television show that she came in contact with Nathan Drake, with whom she has quite the complicated “friendship” with.

Throughout their time together Elena has come to be Nate’s voice of reason while simultaneously being that little extra boost in confidence he needs to go on with certain aspects of the grand adventures that he has a knack for finding himself in. She believes in him more than she does any other individual and in his abilities to get both himself and her, as well as any other persons that might be involved in his shenanigans, out of the messes that they continuously land in; while ignoring the fact that her cocky attitude tends to play a large factor in the situations they wind up in.

She has a bit of an odd, if not snarky, sense of humor to her. Unfortunately, sometimes the humor of situations eludes her which is shown during the many times that Nate would crack a joke to her and her being completely unresponsive to it, even going as far as to ask him where he saw the hilarity in their situation. In her defense for such, though, the situations he jests about more often than not are completely and utterly unfunny. However, much like Nate - she does make vague attempts to see the humor in some of their experiences if only to keep going onward without losing her mind to the strange things they come across including undead Spaniards and giant purple Shambhallians.

Being a rather pretty but petite blond who fits the ‘girl next door’ persona is far from all there is to Elena. She’s a lot stronger than her appearance lets on and this is probably the fault of Nate Drake’s for everything that she’s gone through with him; be it running from gunfire or climbing places she’d never thought she could climb before. She’s very good with a gun, specifically a 92FS semi-automatic standard pistol and against all the odds for her being able to do so, she’s rather good at one-handing a grenade launcher.

Unfortunately, she’s not so talented when it comes to driving. This is not something that Elena will freely admit too, however; in fact she’ll fight anyone on the subject matter if they bring it up to her and tell her that she’s awful at it. In her opinion, she’s a very well adjusted driver who falls under complications from time to time, specifically when she’s being chased on the road by psychopaths with guns firing at her. One could say, actually, that her terrible driving is possibly due to being under constant stress every time that she’s behind the wheel with Nate; but even so, she should really know better than to drive so close to the edge of a cliffside.

While she isn’t exactly the type of melee fighter that other folks’ she knows happens to be, she can certainly throw a punch and has very nearly knocked the teeth from Nate’s mouth at least once in game. She may not be a street fighter but she can certainly throw a mean punch when she needs to defend herself, assuming she has no weapon on her person otherwise.

[Other important stuff]
She would be rather happy to have her 92FS gun with her for this new adventure, as she always seemed to have to have one on her person with every ‘adventure’ that she winds up on. The gun and her pocket sized notepad with information on her research is all she would like to being with her, if possible.

[Sample post]
[First Person]
[ Her temple was pressed against the frame of her window. She had been in this new world, a place people gave her mixed receptions about, it being a dream or a fantasy; she wasn’t entirely certain what had happened or why she had been bought to Somarium. Now that she was here, though, she really missed Florida.

Elena had been watching the rain coming down for some time; arms folded over her chest as she stared outside. ]

Man. [ She sighed to herself, closing her eyes. ] It’s been a while now. I’m starting to miss home even more with each passing day.

Home, and… [ Trailing off and opening her eyes again, she shook her head. ] Well, I miss him too.

Unfortunately… [ Her tone suddenly changed to bitterness. After all, if it hadn’t been for Nathan Drake, then Jeff would still… Thunking her head gently against the window frame, she sighed to herself. Why was it that everything that he came in contact with turned into horrible shit? ]

Wait… Who’s… [ Jerking up to stand properly, she set her palms to the window and squinted her eyes to look out at an approaching figure. Of course, many people shared the house so it wasn’t really out of the ordinary for someone to be approaching, but it was interesting to see a familiar face through the drizzling.

Her breath hitching, she couldn’t help but smile. Likely she would kick herself for her excitement later, but… ] Nate-!

[Third Person]
Her office had been dark for days. The weekend had come to a close over three days ago so and with her grounded in Florida due to a lack of a case for her to follow, there was no reason for the lights in the office of one Elena Fisher to be unlit. Unfortunately for the blond, the present day had turned into the same sort that all the previous ones had ever since the beginning of the previous weekend.

It had begun like any other typical weekend. Elena was going home to work on some of her potential reports when her cell phone had buzzed at her, answering the phone, she agreed to meet her beau for the evening. They had been dating for some time, shortly after returning from the Panama they had set up their first date and surprisingly things had gone rather well for them. Ever since they spent most of their evenings together as well as their weekends, everything had been going so swimmingly…

“What happened…?” The voice was soft and barely audible even to she who spoke the words. Her small frame was gnarled on her desk, hands tangled in her blond hair with her cheek pressed both against her arms and what of the desk she could touch in her current position. Her eyes were closed and they had been for quite some time. Honestly, the girl had little strength to open them at the moment, her coworkers would have been surprised at her presence in the office had she not been repeating her current scenario from days before. This had become her new trend.

Nate had been so sweet, so considerate - they had been having so much fun together, going to dinners, seeing movies. It was hard to believe that it all came crashing down to a harsh close just because of one silly little telephone call while they were out to dinner. At first the call had seemed so casual and he had ignored it at first but after the few repeated rings, the treasure hunter excused himself to go take it. Normally she wouldn’t have thought anything of it but when he had returned looking so thrilled about something, the reporter had to ask him what was going on.

And that’s when he told her that he was going to be taking on a new job…

“I let him go…” Again the voice was a murmur, she could hardly hear her own tone as it left her lips, probably due to her arms being draped over her head. She felt herself choke up, something that continued to happen to her over the past few several days. Clenching her eyes tightly, she willed herself to stop before she began; it wouldn’t do for her to start sobbing at work once again. She couldn’t even begin to fathom why she had bothered with coming in at all, but sitting at her apartment doing the same thing didn’t seem to be any more enjoyable, she might as well be getting paid for it.

The sounds that occurred in the office around her never seemed to reach her ears. Typically she would be aware of everything, every coworker that wandered by would usually get a greeting of some sort, the others nearby she would talk to from time to time; but she had not done so in days. She didn’t even hear her own name being used when one of the other girls in the office asked a young man about why he wanted to see her. Eventually, the girl directed the unknown male toward the dark office and gave him a soft ‘good luck’ before heading back to her own work.

Jeff, as he was called, peered into her office since her door was ajar. Fixing his cap, he raised his brows as he looked over what he clearly saw as the form of a broken woman. She didn’t really look like the Elena Fisher that he had seen on the television in this moment. She had always been so peppy and bright on screen and here she looked completely devastated, like half a lady. She seemed so torn up. What was bothering the blond anyway? He suddenly became very aware of why he was told ‘good luck’ for attempting to make contact with her.

For a short time, the young man simply starred at the woman lying against her desk. He was at a loss for words, but, lifted a hand and gave a gentle knock to the door as he cleared his throat in an attempt to have his presence be known to the reporter. Unfortunately for him, Elena barely made any means to let him know that she’d heard him or that she even wanted to have heard him. Once more he took a moment to rethink his situation. Again clearing his throat, he stepped into the office and put on a cheerful smile, completely mismatching the dreary room’s atmosphere.

“Hi there!” he spoke up, even though the blond didn’t reply. “I’m Jeff, uh - not that you know me or anything like that, Ms. Fisher, but I was hoping to change that actually!” He laughed somewhat nervously and tilting his head, stepped forward slightly to see if he could gauge her reaction.

Elena barely moved. It struck her as strange though; that some strange man named Jeff - who the hell was he - was in her office telling her that he wanted to know her. Couldn’t he see that she clearly wanted to be alone?

‘What does this guy want, anyway?’

“There was an ad in the paper, I think you put it in there since it had your name on it anyway, for a cameraman for the show you run? You know? Discovered?” Mentally he kicked himself the moment after he gave her a reminder of what show it was that she herself worked on. It wasn’t really the smoothest of his moment, but young Jeff was clearly feeling rather nervous, after all he was around a celebrity, even if she did seem depressed at the moment.

Her lip twitched, barely tugging them into a small smile. This guy was something else, a goof - bumbling and everything. It was sort of sweet, really; at least it was endearing of sorts. A grunt left her lips as she untangled from herself atop her desk, she gently pushed herself to sit up properly and taking advantage of the darkness, vaguely attempted to fix her hair jut slightly to look somewhat presentable. Leaning back in her chair, she looked up to the young man that came into her room and this time smiled more properly to him.

“Turn on the lights, will you?” She narrowed her eyes to a squint to prepare for the burning sensation that would follow as the lights flicked on. Once the room lit up, she idly lifted a hand to rub at one of her eyes and winced slightly, taking a moment to adjust. Clearing her throat once she felt well enough to be in contact with the young man, she shifted in her seat and leaned on her arm giving him a quick look over. He was rather young, probably near her age, good looking and he seemed in good enough shape to keep up with her if she was to bring him along on some grand archaeological dig.

“So, you’re here about the job then. Close the door,” she offered him a smile and motioned for him to take a seat. It was like a complete one-eighty took place. Apparently all she needed for the moment was to be reminded that she should focus on her work again. After all, her job had always been there for her when she needed something else to turn to, why wouldn’t it be the one thing to keep her sanity while she needed it right now? “Let’s get down to business, shall we? You’ve got a resume I assume?”

“Sure do!” Chipper to have her up and working, Jeff reached an arm behind himself to close the door and then took his seat as offered, reaching to pull out a folder that held his resume and credentials as promised. He leaned forward and set it atop her desk for her to take a gander at. He assumed that having managed to at least get her to sit up and show some color in her otherwise sullen mood.

“Well, let’s have a look see and go from there, hm?”

At least things, for the moment, were looking up.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Honestly, I’m just looking for a good setting to play her and Somarium piqued my interest. It would be nice to start her from fresh, too.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] Does the addendum to a rule count? I rather like the way that staying in character and how to speak with a player one might assume is not in character is being handled. It’s exceptionally well written and supposing that it indeed works, as OOC/IC is a very confrontational subject, I am impressed.

If that’s not acceptable, then I also rather enjoy the activity check requirements. They seem very manageable and well thought out as well. And I’m looking forward to managing them, haha.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] From a friend, actually!
[Any questions?] None, thank you.
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