「video post 」 » 13 «

Jan 23, 2011 23:45

[ Having had a bit of a bad night previously, Elena is sitting on the couch in her Latimir apartment, trying to figure out the reason for her lack of sleep. Having recently been reacquainted with Nate she should by all means be more than overjoyed, but there seems to have been a flood of worried thoughts washing through her mind rather than being ( Read more... )

!event, whats a girl to do?, sometimes elena is sad, always the worrier, its always something isn't it?, *nate

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assworthsaving January 24 2011, 05:07:59 UTC
[This had to be some kind of illness. One day he was feeling perfectly fine, all things considered, and the next, well, the same as Elena. Things had gone down hill since he first got here and he got less sleep as the days passed- last night he didn't even sleep at all. He'd brush it off as anything else, but she seemed to be acting the same way.

Or was she? Maybe she was more upset about the conversation they had the other day than she let on. Or there was something else she wasn't telling him. He was beginning to suspect the latter. He might even be acting far more grumpier and paranoid than usual, but he was unable to push these feelings aside for whatever reason.

Still he wanted to take care of her, keep her safe, but without any idea of where to start he did whatever small things he could. Drake was now approaching the couch she was on, that also doubled as his bed, holding out a glass of water for her.]

Here. Drink this.

And you should really be lying down.


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 05:15:42 UTC
I don't want any water. [ What if it's poisoned? It was a possibility, after all.

It could stand to reason that the water might be behind it all. She used it many times through the day for a wide variety of things; but if it were the water why only take effect now? Either way, she didn't want it and so didn't bother to reach out for the glass.

As for lying down, she didn't want that either. It wasn't a comfortable solution for the moment for whatever reason. She just didn't want to do it. ]

You drink it.


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 05:23:41 UTC
I had some earlier, but you still need to drink some.

[Now he just takes a seat beside her, the glass in one hand and his other hand gently rubbing her back.]

I don't suppose you have any sort of medicine lying around, huh? I didn't see any while looking...


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 05:32:34 UTC
I said I don't want any. [ There's a hint of a snappy tone there. Stop trying to give her laced water Nathan. ]

No, not really. [ It would all be old and expired anyway, and probably make her more sick. Or kill her. Again.

Who the hell would want that? ]

I'm not sick. I'm fine. [ Even though she isn't. Dropping her hands from her hair, she glances to him from the corner of her eyes. ]

You look like hell.


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 05:44:53 UTC
All right. Fine.

[And he was placing the water on the coffee table in front of them after picking up on that bit of snappiness. It's there in case she wants it. For now he was still rubbing her back while his own mood deteriorated further. Good times.]

Yeah. Thanks for that. I've been feeling like shit. Clearly you are, too. So I wouldn't exactly call that "fine." I think we've been over the fact that your definition of "fine" is seriously screwed up.


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 06:02:01 UTC
My definition of "fine" is fine. [ See what she did there? So clever.

It's really irritating that he can't just come to terms with where the hell they are and what it all entails. It wasn't that hard for her, after undead Spaniards who the hell wouldn't believe alien planet?

Maybe it was all some conspiracy; who the hell knew?

Still, her less than pleasant mood was putting a damper on things all the more and was most likely the reason she was becoming irate over something she would typically take pity on him for. It was a lot to take in, but Elena Fisher simply wasn't thinking clearly at the moment.

Why was that thought? Sighing, she shrugged his hand away, even opted to shift from his side just slightly. ]

Quit it, will you?


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 06:24:13 UTC
[Wanting of personal space duly noted. He holds his hands up, showing her that he isn't touching her anymore, and places them on his lap. But his expression, however, is pained. Everything just felt like it was about to slip away and he couldn't grasp at it no matter how hard he tried or wanted to.

...Her careless attitude wasn't helping, either.]

Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was perfectly fine to die and mysteriously come back to life or to have chips implanted in you by mad scientists from another planet.


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 06:53:02 UTC
[ For a moment she just stares at him, a mixture of hurt and disbelief on her face. She didn't tell him that she'd passed away, after all, only to have it thrown back in her face like that. A part of herself wants to cry, rather badly, but a deep seeded twinge of anger won't allow it.

Wherever the anger was stemming from, she wasn't aware, but it was there and it was going to get put to use.

Her eyes narrowed into a hateful glare at him. ]

Oh fuck you, Drake.

I'm just telling you what the hell has been going on and what the place is like. [ Stupid moron who can't just listen and learn instead of throwing it all back at her. She can't help it if Discedo is made up of crazy shit. ] It's not my fault that you're too stubborn to take it in and deal with it.

If you don't like it, the door is there.


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 07:17:50 UTC
[That... That was just not the reaction he was expecting. But not a surprise, either. He brought up that sensitive topic and he had NEVER intended to mention it again. Especially to just throw it back at her like that. He deserved it- deep down he knew he did and somewhere in the back of his head he was sorely confused as to why he was lashing out at her.

Unfortunately it was just all adding to the anger. The nagging thought of him reacting like this was only distressing him more.]

You're right! It's only been about three days since I was apparently abducted from Earth and taken aboard a spaceship and- and [He's so flustered that he's just searching for words now.] anal probed and chipped! Yes, how can I be so stupid to think that any of that is bullshit! Sorry my sanity meter isn't quite broken yet!


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 07:29:52 UTC
[ ...anal what?! Who the hell mentioned anything about - this idiot is getting more and more frustrating by the second. And while normally that might the type of comment to make her put her head into her hands and shake her head at him for a few minutes, it was something she wasn't going to touch for the moment because this other little tidbit caused a twitch in her mind.

Did he just call her insane? Was her sanity meter broken? Had she lost her mind? ]

Are you calling me insane Nathan?


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 07:43:30 UTC
[Paranoid much? And, hey, who knows what they did! Everyone knows that all abductions result in probing of the anal cavity.]


[Well, she was expecting him to swallow all of this easily. Who would, seriously? Why was it so unusual for him to find this unbelievable? Just because he has seen things doesn't mean he has to be gullible.]

...Maybe! I don't really know! Why the hell are you getting on my case about all of this?


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 07:59:03 UTC
Why are you being an asshole?

[ But then she laughs, quite lacking in friendly tone with it of course. An annoyed laugh as she throws her arms up a bit helplessly. ]

Not that you aren't always an asshole. That is your best feature, right?

Besides, who's crazier? Me - or the one who keeps chasing after lunacy to do with what's found in a diary?


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 08:15:24 UTC
[Nice burns. And they hit him pretty hard. He's up and pacing around the room now because that's the only thing keeping him from punching the goddamn wall right now.]

You should know! You've been with me, you've seen the same things I've seen!

[And he's done. Just done. Admitting defeat here.]

But, hey, if I'm such an asshole maybe you should just stop talking to me and go back to whatever the hell you were doing without me.


[action] lastyears_model January 24 2011, 08:26:00 UTC
[ Did he just seriously tell her to leave her own place? No, you know what - ]

Fine. Great. I'll do that. Actually, it's a great idea.

[ She pushes herself up from the couch, leaning forward to grab her communicator as she does. ]

Hey! Who knows! Maybe I can go outside and find a few monsters to practice getting killed by! That'll be fun!

[ She starts heading for the door, turning around as she walks to shoot him one final glare as she speaks, backing toward the kitchen to make her way to the door - ]

Since that's what I do here, right? I just walk around and die-

[ ...and then her communicator falls to the floor in a clank as she vanishes right before his eyes. No explanation and no trace of her. She's just gone.

And her device has her bloody hand print left on it. ]


[action] assworthsaving January 24 2011, 08:47:43 UTC
[Drake was about ready to fire back and correct her that he was going to leave, but by time he opened his mouth she just...vanished. Just like that. Gone.]


[He felt his breath hitch- had he just seen that? This...had to be a trick. Suddenly all the anger drained out of him and he rushed over to where she had been and nearly stepped on her communicator. Upon closer inspection, as he knelt down to retrieve it, he noticed there was blood on it. Her hand print.

This... No. His heart sank and he punched the ground hard. Hard enough to dent. Despite his now bloody knuckles he couldn't feel a damn thing. He wasn't sure he was breathing anymore. And everything just seemed to stop.]


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