Oct 02, 2004 11:40
*The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied* -Spiderman (Peter Parker)
"Death is the only inescapable, unavoidable, sure thing. We are sentenced to die the day we're born."- Gary Mark Gilmore
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."-Josef Stalin
Any ways about that....my life has fallen apart i swear right infront of my eyes......like uaually things fall apart slowand un noticalbe right, but mine has fallen apart !!! seriously...it started sunday and it ended yesterady all together!!! im dead and i guess theres gonna be someone different in my place...that sounds soo weird and morbid but it toally makes complete sense to me....not that i literally died but everything good and about me died, so im guessing im completely different, and the strange thin is that im unbelievably upset and i mean REALL REALLY REALLY UPSET! but im also kinda just empty like felling nuthing.......i dunno its weird im like empty, cause everythin's gone from me...i think the only thing that was good thats not gone is ian.....seriously i just fell dead....wow i sound really trippy and morbid but hey i just needed to write his down and id on care who readsit its not like everythings a secret read and say wat uwant...i just needed to write and i did and this isnt the half of who i am but the rest is unexplainable...theres some good things restarting sure, but thats wat i mean by theres a new me.....like kat is soo cool i hung out with her lats night...shes really cool....thats a new paert, but then again soo much is gone!!! i mean i havent even known scott and kyle for very long, but i was havin the best time with tme., and scott left yesterady he didnt even say goodbey he just left...hes living in arizona withhis paretns now.....he needs it but its sad and the whole kyle thing...i guess hat was never meant to be but it was definatley fun!! haha well i sound crayz but hey atleats i had a good couple months...and it just competely fell apart....anyways im gonna try and cope with this whole new "me" thing....but ya i guess it can turn out pretty good....soo ya....thats about it...try to be "happy" haha ya right..peace out!