Mar 09, 2004 04:52
Yeah, so it's going on 5:00 and I'm still up. Yeah, I've been bustin ass on English for awhile tonight. I just hate the way I do everything. I've got all of my research done, and I've really been busting my ass with all of that. Unfortunately, I had been slacking on typing up the annotated bibliographies my teacher wants, so despite all the work I've done, I haven't had much to turn in, I suppose. Combine that with how I missed class on Wednesday and consequently didn't sign up for a conference about my process paper, my teacher was compelled to write me an email saying basically "Hey, I know you can kick ass when you want to, but if you're going to continue being lazy, it'd serve you well to withdraw from the class and avoid an F." Yeah, it wasn't a welcome warning. Of course, when I received it at 7-something AM, I hadn't slept yet. Why, you ask? Oh, that's the fun part.
Yeah, so while Becky and I were en route to the Fredricksburg train station yesterday (errr...Sunday - I'm still in Monday mode) my oil light came on. Not good, but not the worst thing ever. We pulled over, checked the dipstick, and topped off the oil. I knew I was in need of an oil change, but it seemed like it would get us to Fredricksburg and get me back to Richmond where I could deal with it properly. So we got back on the road, went a few more miles, and my car started making this god awful noise. It seemed pretty apparent we weren't going to make it to Fredricksburg, so I pulled off at the next exit (to Ashland) and my car promptly died as I was pulling into the truck stop right off the exit. Yeah, fucking great. Of course, being the perfect day, I had forgotten my cell phone at home and Becky's wasn't charged. So we compiled quarters and tried calling Drew. Of course, his cell phone can't accept long distance calls from payphones as a result of the Patriot Act. So I called my parents, got my AAA info (which they had been forgetting to tell me they had, and had had for several weeks), and got my mom to call Drew to let him know what's up. Turns out, being Sunday, there are no open places in Ashland that do engine work. So when the tow truck got there, we got to haul all the way to the Saturn dealer on Broad Street. Yeah, and since we had no cash, Becky put the $36 towing fee on her card, so now I'm in debt. At least the towing guy was nice. He and Becky chatted it up for a bit, but I just stayed quiet, mostly. He let me use his cell to call Drew when we got to Saturn, so we didn't have to wait too long, at least. We just came back here, ate leftover spaghetti, laid around, and watched Adult Swim. Really, that was alright by me. She had to catch a cab to the bus station at 7 in the morning, so I got up and made some pancakes and bacon for us. Well, actually, she was in charge of bacon-making, so I shouldn't take credit. Still, good breakfast.
The REALLY awesome news didn't come until today when the service tech called me from Saturn. Turns out my car wouldn't start back up because of a crank sensor of some sort. Not bad. Oh, and by the way, my engine block is cracked, too. Oh, yeah, you see, that's bad.
So my car is fucked beyond repair. Our only option would be to put in another engine, but used ones cost about $3500 and it's $5000 for a new one. Yeah, keep in mind that my whole car cost $5500. So yeah, it probably wouldn't be worth it to replace the whole engine.
In the meantime, I need to figure out what to do with all my stuff in that car. I guess I'll have to make puppydog eyes at someone with a vehicle until they agree to give me a lift out there. A lot of Becky's stuff is in there, too. Damn. Let's hope whoever gives me a ride has some serious foot room.
Yeah, so now getting a job in a true necessity. My mom says that if I'm getting a car, they'll help out, but I'm going to have to swing a good deal of it, too. She actually seemed kind of pissed about the timing of my car's demise. She kept mentioning how she doesn't have time to deal with this because she's so preoccupied with moving. Yeah, thanks mom.
In addition to all that crap, I also have Spring Break next week. Yeah, the same Spring Break I was going to use to pack my stuff for the move and go to Dickenson County to take pictures and interviews for my paper. My parents are going to be around Charlottesville next weekend, so they might be willing to come pick me up on Sunday, but that's the day after Drew's birthday. If they demand an early departure, fuck it. Eh, not really. I'll go, I guess. But come on, dammit. Can't I get a break from all this crap?