Slowatus update thinger.

May 11, 2010 19:35

Hey guys! Rei here.

I was supposed to be fully checked out of my campus apartment by Monday but I hurt myself Sunday night. And then Monday morning. So I called and got an extension to Wednesday, and have had sporadic net access in the interim. So here's how things are looking so far:

1. I'm in the apartment now doing more packing and cleaning. So I am on the net, but other than respond to stuff from my email I can't really get back to much tagging.

2. We finally got the wireless router in the mail. With all hope, by tonight I should have net access, BUT

3. I'm doing the remainder of my packing and cleaning tomorrow, before I check out. And I don't expect to actually move anything back to the house and settle until after 6:30/7:00PM eastern US time.

4. If i don't find time to do my severance paperwork tomorrow -- which I doubt I will -- then I will be running around on campus on Thursday trying to tie up those loose ends.

With the return of real internet, though, I should be on making a few tags LATE tonight and LATE tomorrow. Expect slow reponses/dropped tags (let me know if I'm up somewhere)/minimal mod involvement until Thursday Afternoon/Friday at the latest. I miss you all and I hate these grown-up, no school things :| And I've been fucking miserable without the net. MISERABLE. It's a good thing I packed my TV and 360 along to the house or I'd be chewing off my own hand right now.
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