Planning things/hiatus

Dec 19, 2011 20:06

Hey guys! I've been absent because of a funk lately (so many feelings), but I'm also going overseas from the 27th of December to the 31st of January. I'm going to be traveling to some pretty out of the way places with dubious internet, so I'm afraid that I am going to have to take a full hiatus for that time. I'm currently planing on coma-ing Crane and Warren, while potentially putting Barron on auto-pilot. But that might change with future planning.

For now, I really need to work out if there are any important things that I need to wrap up/do before I leave. So, yeah. Drop me a line if needed. c: Otherwise I should drop off the internetosphere from the 27th and go on some adventures, but I will be back to TLV in February. I'm gonna to miss all of you guys so much. ;-;


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