December is here!

Dec 03, 2011 09:56

Happy December, barglings! First off, we want to apologize for not having the calendar up just yet. With the problems on the site, as well as other things, we haven’t been able to finish it until now. But it will be up at some point today, so do not worry. Also, there will be a PWM post SOON. Again, we apologize for the delay!

But now onto other things. Starting TODAY, the barge will be rolling fully into December. For those who have been here for a while, you might know what that means. Letters to Santa, snow on the deck, decreased temperatures, compulsive decorating, and, yes…mistletoe. For those who haven’t been around, let’s break these things up so that you know what’s happening. And even if you know, you might want to go back and refresh your memory!

Letters to Santa
Each character, from Earth or not, will, at some point, feel compelled to write a letter to Santa. This can be their own wishlist or it can be what you would want to give to someone else as a gift. These can be sent to the Admiral or even straight to Santa- as they’ll get to where they need to go eventually.

Snow on the deck
Exactly what it sounds like. There will be snow falling from the sky, accumulating on the deck. Some days, it can be up to your ankles, some days to your knees and sometimes just a light sprinkling. Strangely enough, the greenhouses are untouched by the snow and by the….

Decreased temperatures
Also exactly what it sounds like. The temperatures on deck and through the corridors are falling to more winter-like temperatures. The cabins will be feeling it to a lesser extent, but those with modern day cabins should have the ability to turn up the heat. Otherwise, pile on the blankets! This is the only one that generally will last until February.

Compulsive decorating
Your character will now feel a need to decorate. Decorate what, you ask? The dining hall now supports a giant Christmas tree with boxes underneath. Each of the common rooms have the same type of unopened cardboard boxes. Inside are decorations of all kinds. They will seem to change when you open them up. The boxes will contain decorations from whatever winter holiday that character celebrates. If they don’t celebrate any winter holiday, then choose one and have fun. Feel free to have your character take them to their room, too.

Oh yes. Mistletoe. It will be appearing in hallways, doorframes, random places that you can’t see until it’s much, much too late. If you’re caught under mistletoe at the same time as someone else, then BEWARE, as your characters will feel a need to smooch.

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