Hey guys! I'm back with Armand here and Vila (
counturfingers). Nothing is completely solved on my end but things have happened that have greatly reduced my stress levels. I'm still terrified of the idea of trying to keep up with RP while doing NaNoWriMo, but I mean to try. I miss the Barge, and all you guys. With any luck, they'll both have posts up soon, and start talking to their fellow residents.
To everyone who wished me well and such on my hiatus post, thank you. I wasn't really up to replying to all of that at the time.
I have seen a doctor, and while things are NOT solved, I've been given a few tools to help out. The house is clean, although we still don't know if it's clean enough that we won't get evicted. I think it is, but I'm not the rental people. They're supposed to be in sometime this week to inspect.