sooner or later god'll cut you down

Oct 31, 2011 15:29

Who: Group 2.
Where: The dregs of the ship.
When: ~all weekend.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, general creepiness, references to loads of death of loved ones, Stephen King-esque monsters, etc.
Notes: This will be the catch-all log post for the group of characters going to the bridge. Sure we could assume, but what's the fun of unspeakable horrors ( Read more... )

john connor, robert capa, o'brien, dick grayson

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● MK 2 metallonkardia November 1 2011, 00:58:47 UTC

They must be getting close.

That's Connor's thought, wry, as the crawlspace suddenly expands around them, shooting the remaining travelers into a moment of gut-wrenching free-fall. When he hits the ground it's not the impact he expects--

--it's not real, is it? A great metal groaning noise blares out as the walls around them seem to twist. He swears, grappling for some kind of scoring in the metal floor to grab onto, feeling blood from his shoulder (fucking zombie crew or whatever the fuck) seep onto his wrist as he does. He's dizzy as he tries to get his feet under him.

"Okay?" Shouted - who's still here?

[ ooc: lmao okay GWEN TOLD ME TO GO NUTS, if this is too absurd shoot me a PM and I'll edit or rewrite. This is for terrors and mindfuckery; next thread they'll actually arrive at the bridge. ]


batmanschmatman November 1 2011, 01:07:24 UTC
The first thing Dick learned, before any of the flips or mind blowing tricks on a high wire, was how to fall. So while there's a moment of all consuming panic, he forces it back and twists, focusing on making the landing safely before wondering too much about what the hell's going on.

Impact still hurts, but the suit does a decent job absorbing at least a small fraction of the shock, so while he's probably going to have some colorful bruises by the end of this, he's more or less okay. After he was sure the ground wasn't about to start moving again - or as sure as he can be, his sense of balance was slowly coming back - he carefully moved to push himself to all fours.

"Fine!" He quickly feels for the phaser, which is still on his hip before looking around, wondering about the other two. "Capa? O'Brien?"



ourlastbesthope November 1 2011, 01:24:54 UTC
Like twisting into the sun. Capa landed hard, letting out a soft cry as spacetime refused to bend as it had in the payload, giving him nothing but a shock that raced up from his feet to his fingertips. "Yeah," he called out from the ground, pushing himself up. "I'm fine." Well, fine seemed to be a relative term for them at the moment, as 'fine' simply meant 'not dead yet.'

He stumbled for a moment, getting his balance, and then put a hand, slick with blood, on his head, trying to stop himself from shaking. It hadn't exactly been a fall he anticipated, but it could have been worse. His first instinct was to look up, but there was nothing to see but the walls around them. He felt more than a little sick watching it, as if they were children in some kind of horrific funhouse.

He wasn't having fun.


metallonkardia November 1 2011, 05:41:36 UTC

"Auto-defenses," he theorizes, finally pushing to his feet (fingers off the trigger of his gun - won't do any good if he can't tell what he's aiming at, even if something does appear). "We haven't been teleported out yet."

No they're just. Being fucked with. Excessively.

One step, then two, and John feels all right again; if they can get to the next solid wall and break through, surely they'll be properly close. The ground lurches but he doesn't fall, just sways on his feet, feeling a bit queasy from it. A low rumble sounds, and then the floor begins to glow-


batmanschmatman November 1 2011, 06:00:01 UTC
Dick had been about to ask if anyone needed medical attention - he could see Capa touching his head, but couldn't tell if it was because he was just disoriented or hurt, and he was already thinking if it would be safer to keep him with them if he had a concussion, or send him back the way they had come, assuming that was even possible at this point - when the ground lurched again. He waited until it stopped before pushing himself to his feet, just in time for the rumble.

And that glowing? Can't possibly be good.


He looks back over at the others, the glow making it easier to see people even without his mask on, and it was getting more intense. Definitely time to go.



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ourlastbesthope November 1 2011, 17:21:03 UTC
For a moment, Capa considered going back, too. Just what use was he, really? But he dismissed that thought quickly. It wasn't up to him. There were people relying on this plan to work and, more importantly, there were lives at stake. Real people. And if Crane was to be believed, their lives might not be returning. He shook his head, glancing at the floor, which kept growing brighter, and shook his head.

"We have to keep moving," There was too much at stake and the floor was glowing and he needed to go somewhere...away...with John and Dick.


metallonkardia November 1 2011, 22:09:57 UTC

"O'Brien- fuck." There's barely a heartbeat in which John can grab for him and - he doesn't. Going back sounds suicidal (even not knowing any plans - they had to block the way in places to keep the crew out, who are certainly still down there in places), but if O'Brien has lost it, there's nothing to be done but argue, waste time, and endanger them further.

"Run." Opposite direction. The floor's getting hotter. John moves, feeling unsteady for it, trying to focus on the wall at the other side. At least the glowing floor illuminates things.


batmanschmatman November 1 2011, 22:20:12 UTC
Dick's boots were insulated, but he could still feel the waves of heat starting to rise. He really didn't want to think about what was going to happen if the floor burned through anyone's shoes.

He glanced back again to make sure Capa was coming with them before taking off after John, trying not to think too hard about how stupidly dangerous it could be for O'Brien to head back by himself. They just had to keep pushing forward.


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ourlastbesthope November 1 2011, 22:33:51 UTC
Capa hesitated a moment too long and felt the heat rise up through his shoes and he took off after the other two, glancing back at O'Brien. "Don't think about it. Just go!" He paused for a split second, putting a hand to the wall before sucking in a deep breath. Adrenaline was coursing through his body, making him focused for the moment. The light was behind them and Capa kept up with the other two.

He really, really hoped O'Brien made it back. Maybe he could do something to help from there. Maybe not. But he didn't want to think about what a dead body meant down here.


metallonkardia November 1 2011, 23:28:52 UTC

Running while your head is spinning sucks, but John has certainly suffered through worse than this shit. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the walls starting to warp - first he thinks it's their perception being twisted up again, but then he realizes that the walls are melting.

He doesn't stop short but he does turn around, and there's no sign of O'Brien or even the other end of the hall behind them. But if it's hot enough that the walls and - oh, the ceiling, dripping down molten steel, he skids away from it, are melting, they'd be dead from the temperature.

It's almost not a surprise when the floor's heated but solid mass suddenly shifts into smooth, ionized-smelling quicksand.


batmanschmatman November 1 2011, 23:49:38 UTC
It's... probably a sad thing that this isn't even entirely unusual for Dick, right? Right. Weird, yes, weirdest thing he's ever lived through, no not quite. So he didn't panic.

Instead, he kept running. The opposite wall seemed very far away, but that was fine, considering what he had planned. Too close, and they'd get killed by the shrapnel. Assuming it even worked.

Without even asking, because in moments like this, you just did it and apologized later, he sprinted past John, grabbing a weaponized Batarang out of a compartment and hurled it at the opposite wall. It embedded itself in the metal and flashed before exploding, creating a big enough space to climb through. Dick stopped briefly to make sure they were following him.



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