Who: David, Cassie, Perry Dawsey, Will Parry, and YOU
What: David says
screw the rules, I can morph! and goes on a thieving spree. Punctuated by disapproving wardens and oblivious Animorphs!
When: Tonight and backdated to today.
Where: Paris, France; 2020
Warnings: Pfft.
After spending the better half of two weeks holed up in his cabin, David felt a bit like an exposed basement-dweller as he wandered the streets of Paris. And, more than likely, he probably looked like one too.
That didn't last long, though. The Admiral's announcement caught him by surprise, and finding himself transposed from a tense Resident Evil session to a bustling Parisian crosswalk caught him even more by surprise, but after almost eight months on the Barge, he had learned to adapt. Barely two minutes into his arrival he'd ducked into an alleyway and morphed his old Human-Controller morph, just so he'd be in a bigger and stronger form.
It took him another half-hour to come up with the brilliant idea to put his powers to use. Partly this was an idea borne from not having any money, and partly it was just David being David. Whatever the reason, it was a simple enough thing to stroll into a jewelry store in one of his human morphs, ask to take a look at some jewelry, then take off and demorph once he was out of sight. Variations on this technique over a period of forty-five minutes netted him: three wallets, four diamond rings, one pearl necklace, two bags of baguettes, some kind of gold wristband, and and 625 in Euros. Oh, and a really nice beret.
So now he's strolling along, back in his normal form and feeling no small bit of cockiness. Yeah, his powers were limited a little more - ten minutes instead of twenty - but what he's been doing happens so fast the reduced morphing clock hasn't even impeded him. He struts into a coffeehouse like he owns it, picking a seat on the veranda and kicking up his feet on the table.