(no subject)

Oct 06, 2011 20:41

Who: Gaheris Rhade and Rachel Berenson
What: Another thread that's entirely too short.
When: Early this morning.
Where: The Deck
Warnings & Notes: Creepiness and mild violence.

Gaheris was keeping close to the exit of the deck. He hadn't brought anyone up with him, as it seemed unnecessary at the time. Though now he was reconsidering that choice.

Competition at least took his mind off the atmosphere, even if the atmosphere was the source of it. He'd agreed with the Doctor to have an investigation into the events and solve the mystery. He should anyway, since he was trapped here, and most others that would lead investigations could abandon it at any point they liked and leave the ship. Adding the element to prove himself was just a touch more motivation.

He could ask a few of his friends for some resources, or that was his plan anyway. Get what he needed, who he needed, and do a thorough examination of the ship's facilities. If he could at least rule out the inmate populated areas and an inmate as the source of the difficulty. That would be something.

But now that he was up here, alone even when people came out to have a look around, with ash falling gently around him as from the sky of a bombarded world. He hated that feeling, that sense of the scalded and scorched soil. That some of that ash belonged to bodies that lived on that planet. Well... No. Not this ash.

It wasn't entirely unlike the ash he was familiar with, though. In the background he could smell something, like someone had stashed a body somewhere on the deck and it had only ripened a few days. That was when he roamed away, ignoring the other people that came and went as he did a search for some unknown victim. Perhaps left by one that disappeared. He never found it, the smell remained ever distant to his keen senses; tangy and musty and it made him sneer as it collected in the back of his sinuses. He wiped his nose with the back of his scarred hand as of that would clear the scent.

It was then that Gaheris realized he'd been out on the deck long enough to get some of the strange soot on his skin. He was miner dark, whites of his eyes highlighted around beady dark from the last time that he'd rubbed his face and he examined the mess that covered his fingers. That sickly scent remaining, just under the passing smells of whatever indistinguishable people had been on the deck.

Words. A discrete conversation? He closed his eyes to listen. The words were distant, barely carried. But they seemed as if they were close, too. Like whoever was talking should just be around the next corner. He crept closer to the deck exit, planning to peer around it. No one was there. There were definable steps within the stairwell, but those belonged to a single person, and what he heard should have been on the deck. The hair at the back of his neck prickled and he tensed. There should have been someone up there with him.

The movement was slight. Not unlike one Rinzler or Braxiatel would make if they were slipping up on someone, silent and oozing out of shadows. But its face- He turned so quickly that his neck ached, backing up a few steps at the same time. He wanted distance between this THIS and where he was.

It wasn't there.

He was holding his breath, gauging the sprint between him and the door. He wasn't a fool. He wasn't going to take on something that could Tesseract without preparation.

Then off in the distance, at the very far end of the deck, just before it stepped out of sight. ...He thought he saw it. That same shape. Obscure and distant and just as quickly gone. He narrowed his soot covered eyes and held his hand over them to shield his view from starlight and ash. The door behind him opened normally. The steps conventional. Another person on the deck. He didn't turn yet, he wanted to keep looking in that direction in case it appeared again. He could tell them to go get someone, if it wasn't someone that could provide immediate help.

gaheris rhade, rachel berenson

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