Girls' Night In

Dec 27, 2008 03:30

WHO: Rayne/Ralph(/Rose?)
WHERE: By/in Ralph's room.

Forward a bit, back a bit, left a bit, right a... No, wait, that's a ladder.

Rayne's path through the barge; it did meander. Not just a bit, but like an impression of a slow-motion pinball machine, as she rebounded from one wall to the next, using wahtever nearest surface happened to present itself, to hold her frame upright. Under usual circumstance, the half-vampiress would have an excellent sense of balance, but a combination of all-consuming euphoria, celebratory attitude and bequeathed alcohol, had led to the obvious.

Now, what was that room, again? Oh, she couldn't remember... Maybe hollering out his name would help. Or banging her fist on every door she passed, at the same time. Fortunately, among the very first she decided to do so, was a set of numerals which seemed vaguely familiar - mostly, because they were the correct ones.

So, straightening herself up and clearing throat, the redhead clinked the two bottles she had brought with her, into one hand and gave a rather unlady-like, "YO! Ralph, ya'... Fuckin'... Urgh... HEY! I GOT... It's Rayne!"


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