Saved by the bell.

Aug 20, 2011 21:36

Who: Una Persson, O'Brien, Eames, and Narvin (if he's available)
What: Tim's ratted out Una. Eames and Narvin come to investigate.
Where: Una's room.
When: Forward-dated to try and log as much as we can before the official flood end. Sunday, right before, during, and after the end of the mirrorverse flood.
Warnings: Probable violence. Epic embarrassment. Will update if needed.

It was only a matter of time, Una knew.

They'd been more careful this time, for the most part, keeping the cards close to the chest and trying not to draw attention to themselves (Kirk notwithstanding; oh Kirk). But as time passed and the strain of keeping up appearances grew more intense, something was bound to give. She kept going about her business, but the knock on the door was coming any minute now, she was sure of it. At which point there would be nothing for it except to try and keep people from getting killed.

And apparently their cover had been blown. There were only so many places one could hide for long, and in the end, Una reckoned they might as well stick it out in her room. Because at least she had her weapons there.

[Proposed posting order - Eames, Narvin, Una, O'Brien? Can adjust/skip as needed.]

o'brien, narvin, eames, una persson

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