(no subject)

Aug 20, 2011 01:26

Who: Rhade and Brax
What: Most awkward failure of a consolation ever
Where: At Brax's cabin door
When: After Rhade's conversation with Kirk here.
Warnings & Notes: Trigger warning for the conversation above. Mostly subjects of awkward consoling and memory fail in post. I might use this post for other threads too to keep from spamming.

Somehow, he'd forgotten. He'd just talked to the Kirk that wasn't his Kirk. His Kirk? The Kirk he knew. And still, he'd forgotten what was happening during this flood that wasn't a flood.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his fist, jaw clenched and lips tight as he strode purposefully toward Braxiatel's cabin. He was doing his very best to keep the air of don't mess with me or I will end you and not victim because victim was a disgusting word and he was still in charge of what was happening! He had some scrap of control left! Didn't he? He absolutely did.

He knocked on Braxiatel's door as he reached it.

He had completely forgotten.

gaheris rhade, irving braxiatel

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