
Jul 29, 2011 13:59

Who: Rhade the Liger
What: Trying to rub on friends, eating large quantities of meat, being big and fluffy to those interested in big and fluffy things. Oh, and also generally pretending that he can't talk. But he makes up for that in fluffy.
When: During the flood
Where: All around the Barge.
Warnings & Notes: None intended. But I insist that ( Read more... )

dracula, gaheris rhade, flood, wanda maximoff, tony foster, vanessa vancleef, vasilia aliena, irving braxiatel, mark hoffman, narvin, heero yuy

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Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 29 2011, 21:01:03 UTC
First order of the day was to fill his massive stomach. So not long after meat is put out, Rhade managed his way (through artful use of the elevator and pushing doors that allowed for him to push them) onto the deck. So there he was laying. a whole turkey between his paws, crunching through it lazily and flicking his tufted tail against the deck.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck timesbureaucrat July 29 2011, 21:40:43 UTC
Narvin wants some of that turkey. In this form, he found that he'd eat just about anything: insects, berries, grains, seeds, rodents...even other birds looked tasty. But that's a damn big predator between him and that food. Undaunted, he flies around, lands right behind Rhade and pecks at his tail.


Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 29 2011, 22:52:06 UTC
Oh what the hell? Who was this? And pulling on his tail? He turns to look at the bird, and moans unhappily at it. Grump. What did this animal want with his tail.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck timesbureaucrat July 29 2011, 23:22:45 UTC
He fluttered away when the cat looked at him, ready to get out of reach if he should decide to swipe at him with an enormous paw. But the giant cat didn't attack. More importantly, he wasn't moving away from the turkey. Clearly more distraction was called for.

Narvin started cawing up a racket, flew at Rhade's face, and then quickly away.


Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 29 2011, 23:38:09 UTC
Oh, hell- Oh hell no! He hopped up, tail swishing angrily at the bird and his paws waving angrily in front of his face. What did this thing want? He could just tell him. But Rhade wasn't about to speak up quite yet and imply that he was capable of understanding as it was.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck timesbureaucrat July 30 2011, 07:06:54 UTC
Ah-ha! The beast had gotten up, moved just enough away. Narvin swooped down and started snapping up bits of turkey while he could. The meat was good, the taste of victory (however temporary) over the liger was even better.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 30 2011, 07:14:40 UTC
Rhade watched disdainfully for a few moments, contemplating his options. How badly he wanted that turkey. How far it was from the other food. If he would be satisfied with waiting or settling for fish.

He turned, making as though he were about to spray both the magpie and the turkey. The sacrifice would be worth it!


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck timesbureaucrat July 30 2011, 07:23:18 UTC
When the liger turned, Narvin thought for a nanospan that his victory was complete. It took only a moment more to realize that the enemy wasn't retreating, but preparing for a new sort of assault.

He beat his wings in a panic and flew off shrieking (in raspy magpie cries), "Are you insane?! Disgusting, primitive feline. I--" Oh look, a shiny thing! He stopped his complaints to go inspect the shiny doorknob to the upper decks.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 30 2011, 07:35:44 UTC
The liger paused just short of grabbing the turkey and running with, it. But then somehow the "primitive" part made the bird familiar (even if he couldn't really recognize voices), and he slumped to the floor with a paw over his face. And then groaned a long groan of recognition.

Of course, if he had sprayed anyone during this flood, it would end up being-


Getting Breakfast on the Deck lifeafterhope July 30 2011, 03:34:35 UTC
A panther melted out of the shadows, slinking silently towards the pile of meat. The unusually long fangs might have been fairly impressive... if she were not clearly stuck in awkward teenage phase, somewhere just past 'adorable cub' but nowhere near 'intimidating adult.'

With a sideways, wary glance at Rhade, Vanessa grabbed the most convenient chunk and crunched it down.


Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 30 2011, 03:53:47 UTC
The long fangs were unusual. But then again, any cat was still unusual to him. All the Earth based cats had died out thousands of years ago.

Plus, she looked pretty young. At least she truck his instincts as being on the young side. He grabbed a leg of the turkey, yanked his massive head to pull it off, and placed it in front of her.

Might as well fill up so that the herbivores were less tempting.


Getting Breakfast on the Deck lifeafterhope July 30 2011, 04:02:38 UTC
She would have agreed with that sentiment - while there were definitely people on board she wouldn't mind seeing dead, she had no interest in eating any of them.

But Rhade was a lot bigger than she was, and seeing how easily he pulled the leg off the turkey didn't make her any more comfortable being near him... especially since she had no idea who was behind that lion face. So she reached out and hooked the turkey leg with her claws, dragging it backwards a bit to a safer distance before settling down to eat again.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 30 2011, 04:37:23 UTC
He nodded to her. About as close to a nod as close to a nod as he could get, anyway. It came with a headbow, an earflick, and a mane-toss. He vaguely wondered if she usually ate like that as a human (not meat on the ground, but rather stand-offishly and keeping an eye on her surroundings). And she was young, and she was a she, but he didn't quite know who that she might be.

He could have asked still, but it felt like the best opportunity to just listen that the Barge had presented him with.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck lifeafterhope July 30 2011, 15:33:24 UTC
She stared at him as she ate the turkey, then nodded back, slowly - nothing showy, just an acknowledgement that the Admiral had fucked them both again. It could be that he was using the flood the same way she was: a way to be really anonymous in the closed-in Barge, something that normally wasn't possible.

That could mean any number of things. Of course, it could also just be that he couldn't talk. All the screeching going on over the network made her doubt that, though. It was best to deal with this cautiously.

But while she was thinking, she'd started to absentmindedly groom herself: licking the gore from her paws, wiping her muzzle, then cleaning her paws again. After a minute or so she noticed what she was doing and stopped with an irritated-sounding combination of hiss and sneeze.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck majorum_pride July 31 2011, 02:26:04 UTC
She seemed irritated with it, at least that's what he thought. He settled back to sit, licking a massive paw and rubbing it over his ear. "You might as well keep clean. Even if it's this way. I have a feeling the showers won't be all that helpful." Though now that he thought about it, he really wanted to swim in the pool.

While there seemed to be many advantages to this flood as far as anonymity went? The basic necessity of cleanliness and personal upkeep and doors were very much missed.

Anyway, it wasn't as if his voice was recognizable except as an understandable language. It was still growls and groans. The only indication he was even an inmate in his mention of the collective showers.


Re: Getting Breakfast on the Deck lifeafterhope July 31 2011, 05:12:46 UTC
When she'd tested out her own voice in private, earlier, it had been recognizable, though she didn't know whether it only sounded like it to herself or extended to others because there wasn't anyone she trusted to ask. So, rather than answering him in words, she shrugged, a long roll of her shoulders that didn't look all that much like a human shrug. It was what she had, though.

Because he was mostly right; the showers were close enough to useless and going around smelling like old meat was not appealing, but it was the instinctiveness she objected to, the way she'd done it without thinking. Bodies and minds. Hadn't Ardent said something about that? But he was gone, escaped somehow while she was still stuck on board.

Vanessa got to her feet, the tip of her tail twitching slightly in frustration at that thought, and after one brief look in the direction of the CES, headed off at a bit of an angle towards the door to the lower levels... keeping watch on the bigger cat behind her as she went.


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