A Day In the Moustache-Twirling Life

Jul 24, 2011 07:42

Who: The Great Professor Fate!
What: Day in the Life
Where: Anywhere, really. Especially the inmate showers, library, dinning hall, and anywhere he can find parts for diabolical Rube Goldberg machines.
When: All day! (And night!)
Warnings: Copious sinister laughs.

{Times and places in separate comments. CR, new and old, so very welcome!}

(ETA: here is his theme music, which is recommended listening while reading this post. And every other minute of the day. Seriously, this was my favourite song from Kindergarten until about grade six and that is not an exaggeration.}

professor fate, dracula, clu, rex lewis/cobra commander, leezar, day in the life

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