
Jul 17, 2011 23:17

Who: Agent K & Co.
What: Jurassic Park shenanigans
Where: Cutting a trail through Isla Nublar
When: All during port
Warnings & Notes: Different threads to represent different things.

port: it's got teeth, agent k, william cooper

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First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 18 2011, 06:29:23 UTC
[Kay checks his watch as he pushes through the trees. He stops only for a moment to tuck his pants legs into black combat boots (thank you for the warning that there would be less civilization), and then cuffs his shirt cuffs more tight closed

Then he presses on.] Tuck in your pants legs somehow Cooper, into your socks if you have to. Leeches are a damn unpleasant thing to get on you. [He pulls out one of the blasters to hand back towards him.] Try not to start any stampedes.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 18 2011, 15:28:47 UTC
[At least Cooper didn't try and come out in a suit. He wishes he had real gear for this kind of shit, but he settled for what small selection of normal clothes he had. So at least his jeans are getting tucked into his boots, instead of his socks.]

Are you my mother now?


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 18 2011, 20:42:04 UTC
[Kay's gear is his real gear most of the time. Only in super extremes does the outfit change.] With the amount of times you've asked me that I'm starting to wonder. Map said this way. [He gestures kind of loosely. He knows the way, he just generally appears not to care even though he's a real tight ass about it.]

You don't have any wounds under your clothing? Ah hell. We'll worry about that when it comes. [Dismissively. He never knows when Cooper might be hurt or not. He scrambles up an incline.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 19 2011, 02:19:52 UTC
[That got a look, the kind of look that conveyed that he couldn't quite believe he'd just heard that, and wanted to punch Kay for it or something.] Go fuck yourself. I think I know how to look after myself. [But he is at least following Kay up that hill. Fuck. He wants sniper rifles and a camo suit and a back of gear.]


First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 19 2011, 02:26:14 UTC
Oh calm down. I'm just checking. Last time we were in the jungle Narvin got fucking covered in leeches. [He waits up top for a bit, just making sure those rocks don't slide because he is kind of over-protective. He thinks it's better than being under-protective, though.]

Your file never said if they'd sent you into the jungle before.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 19 2011, 02:33:56 UTC
[Probably, even if it grates on Cooper, just a little.] The difference being I'm not your boyfriend.

[He grunted as he reached the top, crouching. Making a smaller target is just natural to him.] I don't go to the shitholes, but I've had training.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 19 2011, 02:44:27 UTC
Do you think I gotta be fuckin' somebody to give a shit about 'em? But no, you're not. I'm just not sure everything here will be proportionate to our time. Some of these plants are prehistoric and I don't know what's like poison oak on steroids.

[He presses on, pushing through more of the growth. At least the dinosaurs are of a size that means the growth isn't too thick and a lot of the trees have been pushed down.] He told me that he was one of the ones that tried to organize the hit. Sometimes he has his head on straight and sometimes he's a stupid damn sonuvabitch. [Yeah, okay, he's... going to be irritated with Narvin for that for a while.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 19 2011, 02:57:13 UTC
I'm not going to be sampling the flora. [Not after Persephone killed him with some ancient plant shit. He just glances at Kay when he brings up the whole Sveta ordeal.]

Head seemed pretty straight to me.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 19 2011, 03:08:07 UTC
Probably seemed like it. But he's got a predisposition to take matters into his own hands and resist any advice to the contrary. He had a good president and almost led a coup against her because he didn't agree with her liberal policies. Didn't realize he was fucking up until the last moment when his cohort turned into a power-mad domineering bitch. He's actually been genetically programmed to do that shit. He gave weapons to what I'm pretty sure is a teenage girl for god's sakes.

[He shoves past some more palm fronds.] Not to mention the levels at which Morrigan is fucking up. The whole thing was bullshit and I'm pissed at the whole lot of them for fucking dragging you into it. [He angrily tore a branch out of his way.] So she didn't have a family to go back to. She's scared of what might happen. You know what? You fucking do.

[And he shoves more big fucking irritating ferns out of his way FUCK THESE FERNS HE'S ANGRY.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 19 2011, 03:21:31 UTC
[All the fucking ferns will die today. Cooper just gets straighter an tenser as he listens, angry and playing the dutiful operative who takes shit and turns it into results. Sort of.]

I didn't need to be dragged into it. Even if you're boyfriend hadn't said anything, I would have been exactly where I was in the end. I didn't even try to blame him, I decided to do something and I did it.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 19 2011, 03:35:09 UTC
Yeah, well, take this scenario. There's a terrorist, which was what she was being. A terrorist. There's a bomb- her powers- no guarantee that it'll stop if she does die, and a place being threatened.

They sent in negotiators. They organized a kill crew. No one attempted to account for the bomb and the louder protesters escalated the situation. I don't care what the fuck you did. It was the equivalent of taking out one of the FBIs most wanted to a two-bit cop and then calling for him to be held accountable and I'm going to be pissed at them for undermining me. You were dragged into it the moment she asked for someone to kill her and didn't filter it from inmates. She's just lucky that she got you and not one of the fucking goddamn psychopaths that would get off on that business.

[And then there's a strange chirp. He turns his head in time to see a dinosaur head poke out from the ferns and FUCK GIANT HEAD FRILL!

He punches the dinosaur.

He punches the goddamn dinosaur.

Right in the face.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 19 2011, 17:07:57 UTC
[He was going to go off on Kay for that. Or he was going to fume silently, and point out how fucking different a terrorist with a bomb would have been from what Sveta did. But he didn't get the chance to, because there was a motherfucking dinosaur with a giant fucking headpiece.]

Fuck! Kick it! [He was already backing away, but not running, not yet, because he wasn't going to leave Kay to deal with this alone.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 19 2011, 20:13:04 UTC
[The boggled dilophosaur. Poor boggled dilophosaur, because Kay does listen to Cooper and kicks it under the chin, flipping it off balance and sending it rolling in the vines.

It pops up groggily and looks at them, before making that god-awful sound and frill noise from a distance. Thankfully the kick must have thrown it's aim off because the loogie it hocks at them lands between them on a tree trunk rather than anyone's eyes.

At which point Kay is aiming to shoot.] Goddamn I hate fucking crested things!!


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 19 2011, 21:58:13 UTC
[Cooper still darts to the side when that loogie comes at them, and he wants to say fuck ever getting off the boat again, but under the gut reaction of terror to this wtfery, he's kind of excited. The blaster Kay gave him is out, and he is shooting indiscriminately at the dilophosaur. Not wastefully, but he doesn't think this is a one-shot-and-down kind of situation.]

Always fucking hated dinosaurs.


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle most_feared July 19 2011, 23:40:46 UTC
[He doesn't argue with the multiple shots and joins in one or two, even though it goes down pretty quick.] I was more of a cowboy kid myself. [He doesn't want to think One Million Years BC came out after he was an agent. That's a sad, sad thought.]


Re: First Day: Leaving the Visitor's Center and heading into the Jungle fuckyoucynthia July 20 2011, 15:27:21 UTC
[Siiiide glance. A brief one, because then Cooper is edging forward to make sure it is fucking dead.] So was I.

[He might have had a six shooter belt and everything. Maybe. And he is nudging the dino and muttering,] Fuck.


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