(no subject)

Jul 11, 2011 08:01

Who: Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. (Closed.)
What: Finding out Snape's on board.
Where: Deck.
When: Now.
Warnings: Wizard dueling.

As soon as Lupin had arrived, he'd headed to deck. The Admiral had told him that the ship traveled among the stars, and he'd paid enough attention in his Astronomy classes to know that the stars that he were seeing weren't any that could be found in the world that he had just left.

Thinking about it made him frown, and something in his chest tighten. If he looked down hard enough, he could almost see a tiny palm closing about his finger, holding on tightly for dear life as his son giggled and the hair colour on his head shifted from a bright purple to blue to the sandy tones that Remus's had been before time and stress had bled the colors from his hair.

He was doing this for Teddy; Remus was doing this so that his son didn't need to grow up as an orphan, so that he would have more than just relatives to care for him. He was doing this so that Dora's fool hearty actions wouldn't leave him so that he was alone in this world with just Andromeda and Harry to look over him.

If Harry lived. Remus needed to trust in the boy that he'd watch become a man, he needed to trust that Dumbledore had given him a plan in order to defeat Voldemort and restore order to the wizarding world. It was odd to think that the taboo of the name wouldn't be able to reach him here. Leaning against the railing and hooking his foot below the lowest rung, he tried it, whispering expectantly. "Voldemort."

Then he waited. He waited for the unmistakable popping sound that accompanied a person when they Apparated. For a moment there was nothing and the tension started to slip down from his frame. But then he saw something unmistakable: the black sweeping bat cloak of Severus Snape. Anger filled him. Anger and rage with the fact that Severus Snape of all people was here. Snape killed Dumbledore; he'd betrayed all of the trust that the man had in him and he'd killed him.

With a snarl of rage, Remus Lupin pulled his wand from his sleeve. Despite his anger, despite the bitterness over Severus being alive and safe at Hogwarts while Harry was on the run, Remus simply couldn't curse him at his back; he was no death eater. "Severus Snape!" He shouted, and his intention was clear in his tone. "Draw your wand."

remus lupin, severus snape

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