you have to walk through it

Jun 25, 2011 16:34

Who: David and Costigan
What: Bourne's tried to teach his inmate. Now Costigan's gonna try to reach him.
When: Immediately after this.
Where: David's room -> Costigan's room
Warnings: Between these two, probably a bit of language.

David really had no idea what to expect from here. Bourne hadn't been too big on specifics - when was he ever? - but his stoic warden had been even more withdrawn than usual after he'd brought him back to the Barge. He had a distant look, and he'd been carrying a stupid-looking satchel David had never seen with him before, a satchel with something big and boxy inside. Knowing Bourne, it was probably some box full of his lost girlfriend's stuff or something.

So he'd sent David to his room and told him not to leave until someone came to get him. And the moment he was left alone, he'd had no problem with letting his frustrations over the past few days out by trashing the prefabricated charade of a room. He'd accidentally posted it to the network, like he didn't have enough to worry about, but no one had threatened him with more punishments. And so what if the Barge knew? They already knew about his ability, and Bourne had probably told them everything else over the warden filter too.

With his furniture smashed, David had no choice but to sit on the torn-up remains of his mattress. Sit and stare at the wall, because he'd never had a TV and Wally had taken his few library books back to the library rather than risk them getting torn up. Ordinarily he wouldn't have given a damn what Bourne wanted him to do, but now that his powers were gone, he really had no choice but to obey. What was he waiting for? He didn't know, he never knew. All he could do was sit and wait to find out.

billy costigan, david harris

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