I'm the best at space!

Jun 18, 2011 14:36

Who: Buffy, Spike, and YOU. YES, YOU.
What: Day in the life fun in spaaaaace!
When: Today, all day, in port!
Warnings: TBD.

((This day in the life will have Spike and Buffy together to run into/interact with, and some other threads to run into them separately! Tag in anywhere, multiple threads encouraged, up for anything! :D))

wanda maximoff, achilles de flandres, iago, buffy summers, spike, patrick kenzie, a day in the life, port: os-19

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Buffy AND Spike - Dinner - CLOSED! aboutpower June 18 2011, 20:49:13 UTC
[Sitting across from Spike in a little restaurant on the richer side of the space station, she has trouble tearing her eyes away from the large window with the view of the stars and various spaceships whirring by. Her confusing menu forgotten for the time being. She eventually looks back at Spike.]

Does any of this make sense to you? [She gestures to the menu she's holding with a furrowed brow.]


breakmychest June 18 2011, 20:55:07 UTC
[Spike has been more interested in the menu than the stars for his part. The stars are shiny and interesting, of course, but is that even a language?

He holds his over to Buffy.]

I recognize that bit. That's the drinks menu. [Some of them he had in the bar. He points at a different area.]

Think that part's fish. But that's just a guess.


aboutpower June 18 2011, 21:06:06 UTC
[Slight frown. She tries to make some kind of sense of what she's looking at.] And here I thought that running into violent squirmy aliens would be the most of my troubles here. I'm gonna have to order a mystery dish, aren't I?

They should have pictures.


breakmychest June 18 2011, 21:28:01 UTC
[Spike shrugs.] There was that one waiter who spoke English to us. We could ask him.

[Then he glances up at her.] Violent squirmy aliens?


aboutpower June 18 2011, 22:12:04 UTC
Just because he speaks English doesn't mean he'll know if anything is or resembles earth-like food.

[Pause.] Yeah, like the movies. Tentacles and slime and screechy noises. [Another pause.] Are we sure that aliens aren't just demons from other planets? Cause, that would make a lot of sense.


breakmychest June 18 2011, 22:28:27 UTC
Worth a try, right? He'll be able to make better sense of it than we can, at least.

[Spike nods.] There was that Quellar thing. There could be more as well. No way to really know, I guess.


aboutpower June 18 2011, 22:33:17 UTC
Okay. [Little sigh.] I'm for it. I'm hungry, and I'm for it. [She glances around to look for the English-speaking waiter.]

[She thinks out loud about this.] Huh. Wonder if any other planets have slayers. Or something like them.


breakmychest June 18 2011, 23:03:10 UTC
We could ask. There are aliens on the Barge, right?

[The English-speaking waiter comes over! He's actually a psychic who messes with their brains to make it sound like he's speaking English. He's a little creepy like that.] Could I help you?


aboutpower June 19 2011, 01:37:09 UTC
I think I've met most of them. They've never mentioned anything.

[The waiter comes over and she smiles politely.] Uh, hey. We're from- [Er.] We're not from. Here. Anything non-toxic for a human?


breakmychest June 20 2011, 05:29:49 UTC
[The waiter points out some good choices and they both order, then he goes away.]

Hope it's also tasty for humans. Wouldn't want to take you out for expensive space food and have it not even be good.


aboutpower June 20 2011, 06:43:24 UTC
It's not our money. [Smirk. Theeeen. Little frown.] Can we stop talking about how inevitably disgusting the food I'm about to eat is gonna be? Making me lose my appetite. I'd rather lose it later once I see it.


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