I'm the best at space!

Jun 18, 2011 14:36

Who: Buffy, Spike, and YOU. YES, YOU.
What: Day in the life fun in spaaaaace!
When: Today, all day, in port!
Warnings: TBD.

((This day in the life will have Spike and Buffy together to run into/interact with, and some other threads to run into them separately! Tag in anywhere, multiple threads encouraged, up for anything! :D))

wanda maximoff, achilles de flandres, iago, buffy summers, spike, patrick kenzie, a day in the life, port: os-19

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Spike AND Buffy - Ooh, shopping?! - OPEN! aboutpower June 18 2011, 18:56:07 UTC
[Her pace is slowing, and anything that Spike may have been saying is now going in one ear and out the other. Buffy has spotted the shopping district. There are strange and interesting clothes, random stores and stalls with unfamiliar high-techy items, and- Oh my god those shoes look adorable.]

Uh huh.. [She says passively to whatever Spike was talking about.]


scarlet_discord June 18 2011, 23:15:50 UTC
[OK, unless they have early 2000s Leathergoths in space, this girl must be from the Barge. She is sitting in the midst of the boots section with a look of almost Nirvanic bliss on her face as she tries on a pair in bright crimson plasteel. She beams and waves as Buffy passes.] Hi! Oh my Gods this place has boots of awesomeness!


breakmychest June 18 2011, 23:19:26 UTC
[Spike hasn't split quite yet, and this outburst gets an eyeroll. He's been wearing variations on the same boots for twenty years. The fascination with shoes has largely passed him by. He nudges Buffy with his elbow.] Kindred spirit calling, love.


aboutpower June 19 2011, 01:41:14 UTC
[Buffy stops and awkwardly gives a wave back before shooting Spike a look. She gives Wanda a genuine, highly amused smile.] Yeah, actually, it really does. Good to know people and.. Y'know, other things, still have style in.. Whatever year this is.

You're from the Barge too, right?


scarlet_discord June 19 2011, 03:08:28 UTC
[Wanda smiles a bit at Spike's response. Non-shoppy guys always amuse her.]

Oh yeah! I'm new, this is my first...anything, really. I showed up in the last Flood and was really confused! But I'm settling in now. I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff.


breakmychest June 19 2011, 16:22:37 UTC
[Spike raises his eyebrows and smirks unrepentantly at Buffy's look. Then he nods at the new girl.]

Spike. I've been here near on a year now.


aboutpower June 20 2011, 04:11:21 UTC
[Have an adoring eye-roll, Spike. She focuses back on Wanda.] Buffy. Summers. I'm newer.

[Slight pause.] You know, those are good boots. Great, even. But I saw this other shop back there with- [Aaaaand Buffy spots the most adorable peep-toe-pumps EVER nearby. She beelines right to them and picks one up. She tears her gaze away from them just long enough to look excitedly at Wanda.] Can you believe these?! This place is incredible!


scarlet_discord June 20 2011, 06:30:03 UTC
Hi Spike, Hi Buffy. [She fiddled with the crimson plasteel boots until they contracted around her feet and legs with a soft pneumatic hiss.] Hey, self-sizing. Awesome. You've been on the Barge a whole year? You must have some serious stories.

I've never been offworld before. Ever since I came to the Barge all this awesome stuff has been happening. I know I'm going to get my ass kicked by some of the weirdness eventually, but this? This I can enjoy.

[She peered at Buffy's find.] Those are sweet. You'll need to paint your toes. But, you know, any excuse, right? Mine are three colors right now.


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