LAZY LOG; Shendu and Merlin

Jun 01, 2011 00:29

Who: Shendu and Merlin
What: Shendu is a dick. IN THE LIBRARY.
Where: Library
When: Right now!
Warnings: LAZINESS. Catherine is still having a tough week, so LAZIEST LOG.

Since the breach, the always strained relationship between Valmont and Shendu had been drawn out to breaking point. There was clearly something behind hidden from the dragon, and considering his boundless patience he had shown to Valmont's participation in his supposed rehabilitation, Shendu was not pleased with Valmont choosing to take this liberty with him.

So he had taken control. For the last week Valmont had been conscious early in the mornings, in the evenings, and for brief periods of personal upkeep (Honestly, Shendu neither understood or liked his hair, and the maintenance of it fell entirely into Valmont's hands), but other than that? Shendu had remained in control, and he had no intention of keeping up Valmont's responsibilities in the kitchen. Instead, he had relocated to the Library, and was just in the process of considering a number of particularly powerful and ancient tomes shelved in one of the more distant corners of the room.

merlin, valmont

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