backdating like a boss

May 31, 2011 10:09

Who: Some Sexbys
What: Backdated flood shenanigans
Where: Their cabin on Level 7
When: The last day of the Karma Flood
Warnings: Probably none. Will update if they start swearing like sailors or beating people up.

Angelica had lost track of how many pills she had taken in order to rid herself of this horrible headache. Despite everyone's best efforts - cool and warm cloths, instructing her to imbibe enough water to almost drown her, pills, pills, and more pills - nothing really seemed to drive away the constant ache that hammered away at her forehead. Though the actual ache was the source of her suffering, the hole in her head was more gruesome to look at, and certainly more surprising. She had spent the first few days of the flood wondering why on earth the Admiral had decided to shoot her in the head, as the nature of the flood wasn't very obvious and had affected everyone differently, but then eventually realised this was some sort of twisted payback for shooting Master Joliffe in the head.

Well. If that Admiral wanted her to feel remorse for killing that demented thief and murderer, he'd have to do more than shoot her in the head.

Her head still bandaged, her eyes covered in a dark piece of fabric, Angelica laid on her bed and prayed that the flood would be over shortly. She hadn't heard from Mal, which at the same time both relieved and worried her, as either her inmate wasn't affected at all or was affected so horribly that she was just hiding in her cabin. Angelica hoped for the former, as she couldn't do anything at all if it was the latter.

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