(no subject)

May 17, 2011 16:45

Who: Deputy Mott & POLICE DUDES.
What: 'SUP GUIZE. Anything non-dangerous you need me to do?'
Where: The local Sheriff's office. Wherever that may be.
When: First day of breach. Noonish.
Notes: Totally can do multiple threads if desired!

While the other Deputies were here because of hard work and skill, Franklin's place had been bought by his parents. That was alright by him. He hadn't failed his training, exactly. It had just been shorter than everyone else's. At least his gun (which he had never fired) didn't seem ugly and broken down. It was cleaned and oiled every day, thank you kindly, and he was proud that it looked the best. The same went for his expensive white suit. He thought it made him look good. That was the most important thing about this job, after all.

Today he was late only by twenty minutes, which was better than yesterday's hour. When one was deciding which way to have their hair today, time was not important. Punctuality became a secondary concern. He smiled and flicked his hat in a casual manner. It was a gesture he practiced nightly for full effectiveness.

"No criminals today? Hmph." He spoke with an obvious British accent, clearly not from around these parts. "I guess they're all scared of me."

franklin mott, flood (breach)

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