Who: Dame Petronilla and Edward Sexby - and with a later appearance by Svetlana Nazarova.
Where: Sexby's cabin on the 7th floor, and then the nearest stairwell.
When: Saturday, sometime after the warden/inmate pairings are announced
What: Petronilla doesn't like being rejected, so SOMEBODY's getting pushed down some stairs.
Warnings: Violence and Petronilla being a nutbag.
Petronilla's first flood hadn't been too terrible, but it had curbed her urge to destroy the things she could not have. She had felt less malicious, less inclined to make others suffer for their fortunes, and it was only when the whole ordeal was over that she realised a part of her had been missing. The thought didn't destroy her - oh no, in fact, it had made her grateful that she was herself once more. She had suffered a humiliation at the hands of Edward Sexby, and now she could avenge her honour.
But now she had a warden, so she would need to be fast.
She put on her best pathetic and remorseful face as she journeyed to his cabin, knocking quickly and somewhat frantically at the door.