Who: Dracula and OPEN
Where: All common areas and the pub at at least one point
When: Monday to Tuesday night (see below for separate threads)
Warnings: flirtation, booze, excessive partying, consensual nippiness, funny/creepy stories and weird heart to hearts
Vlad was deeply restless. His thoughts kept turning back to Aleera, suffering under her
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He had intended to check on the place all day, to make certain that the mess was cleaned up and that it wasn't just left to Armand and his associate alone. What he discovered, of course, was the glass properly restored. But more, there was someone within.
So he stood in one corner of the greenhouse, very careful of where he put his feet and limbs, and simply breathed in the smell of living things, both plant and...
...what an intriguing scent. He laughed softly.
After a moment, she spoke softly, and her tone was amused. "Do you find what you seek, vampire?"
"Yes, my Lady, I have," he murmured, accent thickened from his drink. "The greenhouse is sound again."
He sighed. "It is good to come here instead and find a relative peace."
"Plants are good for finding peace," she said quickly. "They bring quiet and acceptance where they go, and the are very good for the senses." Persephone slowly removed a strand of jasmine and stepped closer to him to tuck it into his collar.
"I see. You are then the Goddess Persephone." Fallen perhaps, but paying his respects in some small way helped keep his mind off how beautiful she was, and how...absent...his Brides had been. "Whom I do not presume to know, as legends are half lie at best. I am Dracula. Vlad." Expecting formality from a goddess seemed very silly to him.
He looked down at her, holding very still as she tucked the flowering vine into his collar, glad the drink relaxed him even further. "In my homeland below the village of my youth, amid the mighty forests, lay a valley filled with flowers. I could see it every spring from my chambers. That was a long time ago, and the last time I stopped to admire plants properly.
"I think I have been Voivode too long, so busy with my plans that I did not...give myself the time.
"You do magnificent work."
She missed real sunlight, the time on the beach had reminded her of that. "I am pleased to met you, Vlad." Persephone smiled at him, and then she stoked her fingers over his chest once the vine was tucked. The goddess had a habit of touching people, even when she shouldn't.
"If you describe your flowers to me, Vlad Dracula, I will make them bloom for you."
His chest heaved just a little under her hand, and he gazed at her through his lashes, lids heavy. He schooled himself to stay still, but his fingers curled.
"I..." he swallowed and looked down, struggling to remember down through four hundred desolate years. "There is a certain little low-growing alpine flower, which grows in whole fields, turning the hillsides a dark pink. The petals unfold like a handful of cards, in a spiral, each one edged in darker pink and white."
Persephone smiled again when he curled his fingers, and then she took a step back away from him.
Flowers from Earth were easy. In order to create the ones from Gallifrey, Persephone had needed to ask Kay for the seeds, but these seeds she could do herself. Picturing the flowers in her minds eye, Persephone held out her hand and a small, white seed appeared. For a moment it just sat there and then it bloomed with a burst of green. Coils of roots wove over her hand and then the bloom burst open, and another and another.
He was distracted by the flower growing in her hand, however, and stared at it. "It is truly lovely," he murmured, faint wistfulness in his tone.
"It is yours, of course, Vlad Dracula." She tucked it onto the other side of his lapel with a smirk. "I will make you pots of it, if you like."
He licked his lips. He was meant to warn her off, be responsible about the fact that he both didn't know where he stood with his Brides and also tended to bite. But what came out was:
"You are welcome to keep doing that all you like."
A brief cough. "Thank you, My Lady, one plant in a pot would do. I must start small in my tending of living things, I think."
"I have never had a vampire before," her voice was soft and low; very interested. "We should go to my room."
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